engl Fireball+marshall 1960A+custom shop Flying V clip


Jul 13, 2006
Porto, Portugal
here ya go... my first mix for you guys

This was meant for Gavin but since I uploaded it, here ya go:


I suck @ programming drums so take that in consideration.

guitar was my Vibora Custom Shop "White Porno Marble":


into fireball and 1960A. Volume below 1.
towards the end of the clip I can hear the pick against the strings... got to lower that EMG!
tell me what you guys think

take care:Smokin:

Luís G.
thanks. I agree... not happy with the drums either.

that's ezdrummer processed to hell.
Only sampled the kick.
I was going for a big drum sound with a big kick that cuts thru the mix and in your face snare.
I dont like that guitar sound at all.

I could imagine it sounding better with a little EQ tweakage, but as it is, not a fan...

the tone sounds VERY hollow to me... I've listened on 3 different sets of speakers as well...

drum programming could use... something... maybe more time + tweaking... i'd maybe cool it on the fills they sound almost out of place to me...
Yea, the guitars sound absolutely terrible. Sorry! I can't really tell you what exactly, but they lack directness and punch. Sounds like the area from 400-800hz has been boosted to hell (I could be wrong, though) ...

The drums don't sound bad to me UNTIL they get to this ultra-fast doublebass part. From then they sound too mechanical. Before that they remind me of some Annihilator-stuff on "King Of The Kill" ...

For now though, the biggest concern for you should be the guitars, not the durms ...
hey! thanks to all for the input.

I think AudioPhile777 nailed it. The guitars sound hollow. They have no meat.

Well since I used a really cheap sehnheiser mic I bought used for 20€, recorded them really really low here in my bedroom (almost no poweramp action) and into the onboard soundcard on the PC I guess the results were ok. not great.

Guitars don't have any EQ by the way, 100% raw.
Quad tracked (straight+angled). got some phasing also when mixing the angled ones but said fuck it since couldn't record more tracks that day.

this was just to try the ezdrummer DFH samples, so I took little time with programming the drums which I suck at it by the way...

I just wanted a snare and kick that could slice thru some A# tuned guitars for a project I'm gonna be working with a friend.

also... there's no bass line. I hope my next clip will be a better one!

take care dudes (again thanks for the input, means alot)