Engl Powerball sim?

Dec 28, 2005
Hey guys,
I was recently listening to Hate Eternal's "I, Monarch" record and was amazed at how crushing the rhythm tone on it is. From what I understand, Rutan dual-tracked the guitars with a Powerball and then did a third track with a Marshall Artist 3203 head.

My question is, is there any sim out there that comes close to the Powerball sound?
Yeah the only thing out there is Metal Amp Room, I bought it a while back. Gotta say it's cool for slow stuff but just like with the Powerball I owned back in the day, it can be hard to deal with for faster stuff because of the inherent fizz in the tone that is ALWAYS there.
Ah yes, yes it does, totally forgot about that! However, it's nothing, let me repeat, NOTHING like a real PBall nor Metal Amp Room. MAR is the closest sim of that amp.
Hahah, no hurt feelings here Lasse, I know all too well the Mudball fizz as well as you :)
I think eric rutan said it was more than 1 track of marshall. I actually think he said like 4 tracks of it. IT's in their dvd when he's showing off his studio.

I actually was just watching the dvd today, and if I remember correctly, he said he had done "four tracks with the Powerball" and "was going to do two more with the Marshall". Now I'm not sure if that means quad-tracking with the Powerball on each side and then dual-tracking on each side with the Marshall, or just dual-tracking with the Powerball (x2 sides, for 4 tracks) and then doing one with the Marshall (x2 sides, for 2 tracks). Either way, the Powerball made up the bulk of that tone.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into the Metal Amp Room.