Engl Powerball


New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2005
I've had a powerball for about 2 months now and am still trying to tweak the settings at practice. Just wondering what way Chris, and anyone else for that matter, have their powerball set. I am not looking to try to sound like any one else in particular, just wanting to know what works well in a live situation or what to avoid.

Primarily what I am curious to find out about is:

Does anyone use Channel four instead of channel three.
Open or focused Mids.
Lo Bottom Switches in or out.
How much Depth punch to use.
How much gain
Niknak101 said:
I've had a powerball for about 2 months now and am still trying to tweak the settings at practice. Just wondering what way Chris, and anyone else for that matter, have their powerball set. I am not looking to try to sound like any one else in particular, just wanting to know what works well in a live situation or what to avoid.

Primarily what I am curious to find out about is:

Does anyone use Channel four instead of channel three.
Open or focused Mids.
Lo Bottom Switches in or out.
How much Depth punch to use.
How much gain
Hey Niknak101,

I use Open for rhythm, Focused for lead, botoom switched in, Depth punch at 3:00 oclock, and gain at 11:00 oclock. here is a link to a similar thread posted a while back, it will list my and others settings.
Take care, Chris.
Chris, how do you switch the focus during playing? the ENGL z- whatever footswitchs cannot do it.
its the worst thing about this amp. with the savage SE you can change everything for each channel...
but the powerball just offers 1 gain setting for clean/ crunch and 1 setting for hi/ lo gain. and you've gotta work with it... or are there some ways?
Niknak101 said:
I've had a powerball for about 2 months now and am still trying to tweak the settings at practice. Just wondering what way Chris, and anyone else for that matter, have their powerball set. I am not looking to try to sound like any one else in particular, just wanting to know what works well in a live situation or what to avoid.

Primarily what I am curious to find out about is:

Does anyone use Channel four instead of channel three.
Open or focused Mids.
Lo Bottom Switches in or out.
How much Depth punch to use.
How much gain

i'll look what my setting are so far on todays rehersal. then i'll let u know...
Kohlrabihaus said:
Chris, how do you switch the focus during playing? the ENGL z- whatever footswitchs cannot do it.
its the worst thing about this amp. with the savage SE you can change everything for each channel...
but the powerball just offers 1 gain setting for clean/ crunch and 1 setting for hi/ lo gain. and you've gotta work with it... or are there some ways?
Hey Kohlrabihaus,

I use a computer to switch my ENGL through a Rockman octopus, which make the switching MIDI. There are lots of units that can do this. ENGL makes one for $200

so to sum things up this will make it so you can control:
Master A/B
Focus Open/Close
and Channels 1-4

using any MIDI patch change devise (ex midi footswitch).
it's the way to go with this amp, Chris.
A-ha! I knew it! Chris doesn't actually play the guitar he just uses a fancy computer to play all the leads! Sweet, now I might stand a chance to program some killer riffs into my computer and sound half-way decent.
Thanks a million for the setting suggestions, :worship: they work well along with the other guitarist in the band. I actually wasn't a milion miles away with the way I had it initially.

Having the presence up that far helped to cut through a lot better up loud. At home I found the presence beyond noon quite harsh, but it made sense when a band are involved. Cutting the bass, depth punch and gain a couple of notches helped to clear things up too.

Kohlrabihaus said:
Chris, how do you switch the focus during playing? the ENGL z- whatever footswitchs cannot do it.
its the worst thing about this amp. with the savage SE you can change everything for each channel...
but the powerball just offers 1 gain setting for clean/ crunch and 1 setting for hi/ lo gain. and you've gotta work with it... or are there some ways?

Kohlrabihaus I use the ENGL Z-5 footswitch and you can change between open or focused, ch 1 -4 and both master volumes. This means you can go from open for rhythm to focused for leads or switch between the masters if you prefer. I like going to focused for leads as the db boost it gives is pretty much perfect. I set the other master to zero to avoid unwanted noise for fast start and stop riffs.