Engl Savage se,or Se


Mar 11, 2005
I´m looking into buying an Engl amp, and i would like to hear if anyone on this board have experience with the savage se amp or the new se e670. I´m also interested to hear if anyone have tried the e580 or an Engl poweramp.
I have an Engl Savage SE, and absolutely LOVE IT! I play it through an Engl 4x12 cab, with two V60's and two Vintage 30's, the other guitarist in my band has a 5150 II, so I've managed to compare them for quite some time now. I can't say I prefer it over the 5150, they're different heads, but I'd never swap 'em. Although it's not as loud, it's way more versatile, manageable and it gets just as brutal as the Peavey (although I never crank the gain over 6)... Great amp, if you're in for something else than just pure metal sounds, I'd go for it.

P.S. I might post some comparison clips made with both heads if anyone's interested.
Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm a bit messed up these days and haven't had time to go down to the studio. I'll be posting the clips hopefully tomorrow, or at the latest the day after... I was thinking about doing it this way:

Gtr -> ts9 (yes or no? you tell me) -> line splitter in the 2 heads with the same settings, so you'll get the exact same parts recorded with the 2 amps.
I suppose you're interested in clean and light crunch tones too, right?

Just a little more patience... :)
Ok, so here's the samples.
The chain is Ltd Ec-1000 with EMGs -> TS9, then splitted in the two amps, both into V30 cabs. Mics are 57s (edge of dustcap) into my crappy Hercules 16/12 soundcard (don't have a 2 channel mic pre, only a 1 ch, and I was too much in a hurry and lazy to even think about reamping!!). No tweaking or eq, just C4 with Andy's preset.
The settings are identical on both heads (Andy's settings for the 5150 and tubescreamer), thus the sound is quite different.
I did the whole thing real quick (even micing up, but i tried to mic as similarily as possible) so I don't know how much it can help, if there's anything else you'd like to hear tell me, I let the studio already setup just in case.
Btw, comments tonewise are very welcome, and don't mind the sloppy playing and the crap tune (I couldn't bother to come up with a good riff as well!!!!)

5150 II dirty, one track

Savage SE dirty, one track

a blend of two different tracks, one 5150 II and one Savage SE

Cleans, first part 5150 II, second part Savage SE
Thanks alot for doing those clips :rock: i think all the clips sound awesome, it´s real easy to hear the difference in the voicings, i think i prefer the Engl, but ít´s a very close run, the 5150 makes me think of Mesa mark4 (am i going crazy or maybe deaf? btw Mark 4 sounds awesome we just used it on our new cd) i´m almost sure that if you only used one amp for all guitartracks most people would pick the 5150 as the winner, but it´s hard to tell without drums and bass.
Btw they blend very well together, what´s your own opinion?
For my personal taste, i like them both! Well obviously I've been hearing them and tweaking them for quite some time, and it's not that easy to tell from just a couple of samples! True, they are quite different.

As Xes pointed out, they have the same eq settings, which were Andy's specifical for the 5150. In fact, the Engl clip's tone is different from the one I normally record with, although I don't dislike this tone (a bit too scooped, and maybe a bit too trebly).

Also true that they blend together great, and that's what we're using for our recordings: my tracks will be 2 main Engls with 2 "enforcing" 5150's, the other guitarist's will be opposite.

One thing that I definitely prefer is the fact that the Engl has other 2 channels, and that the midi options (switchable triode/pentode, master A/B, presence A/B etc) allow you to get quite a lot of tones out of it.

After all this, I can't really say which one I prefer, I just love em both!:rock:

Anyway, if you want I can post some more clips, with different eq's and gain settings, just let me know. I'll start by setting up my tone... sometime in the near future!!!:lol:
More clips please:notworthy would it be possible to make some with drums and also one with the tone you normally use for the Savage.(it would be great if you could use a classic riff like Metallica,Slayer, Arch enemy etc.