ENGL SE clip inside :)


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
Just wanted to show you a clip from the ENGL SE.
I'm curently recording a country band in my studio and they brought this nice amp. So i had a little free time while i was waiting for the singer to arrive...
I picked up a Fender strat (dunno what model...3x single coil, made in mexico) because it was the only guitar laying around...
The chain:
Fender Strat -> Engl SE Hi-Gain CH4 -> Marshall 1960 4x12 -> sm57

Its not the typical metal CHUGACHUGA sound...

There is a little L2 on the clip with max-2db reduction.

..will be happy for some feedback! :)
Tnx guys for the feedback!
I was rly considering if i should go for that tone on my bands CD that we are going to record next year... it would be interesting :)

Here is the L2 picture:
God this tone has so much growl. That guitar sound is truly fantastic. Goes to show that unconventional choices in gear combos can lead to great results..

Hehe... yeah... but it's also awsome for country! I'll ask the band if i can upload some clips of their songs... :)
Sounds awesome dude !

Trying to post some samples of my own ENGL SE 6L6-setup as we speak :)

Which version was it ? 6L6 or EL34 ?

EDIT : Mind sharing some more details ? Amp settings (talk about a shitload of knobs :) ), Mic placement, number of guitar tracks and panning, ...

I'm trying to achieve a somewhat similar tone, i'm improving but i'm not quite there yet :)

EDIT 2 : Listening to it, definitely one of the sickest tones i've heard ! I love it and would like to hear it in a mix.

Also this clip makes me wanna try my rig with a different guitar/pup's.

I'd also love to hear what do the ENGL-skeptical people here think of this clip.
I find it a bit aggressive in the highs, am I the only one ? Otherwise it sounds interesting and quite good to me !

Well, duh. He's playing a guitar with a single coil bridge pickup through a high gain amp.

By the way, that is the most metal I've ever heard a MIM SSS strat sound... probably the most metal I've ever heard a single coil bridge pickup sound in general. Sounds great for what it is. Imagine with EMG humbuckers and a nice oversized cab with V30s! I love my SE. I will be recording clips with it in the very near future.
Well, duh. He's playing a guitar with a single coil bridge pickup through a high gain amp.

By the way, that is the most metal I've ever heard a MIM SSS strat sound... probably the most metal I've ever heard a single coil bridge pickup sound in general. Sounds great for what it is. Imagine with EMG humbuckers and a nice oversized cab with V30s! I love my SE. I will be recording clips with it in the very near future.

That clip sounds metal enough for me :) But sure I'd love to hear the same thing with a EMG humbuckers loaded strat and oversized V30 cab too.

Looking forward to hear your clips dude !

I might post some new clips of my SE 6L6 today.
@Barricade : by the way you should post that clip on netmusicians.org. If you want i can do it for you.


Yes this is a 6L6 version! :) and i would like to hear your clips aswell!
It would be very nice if you could post the clip on netmusicians.org and give me the link! I would appreciate it!

Keep me posted with your clips! :)

Yes this is a 6L6 version! :) and i would like to hear your clips aswell!
It would be very nice if you could post the clip on netmusicians.org and give me the link! I would appreciate it!

Keep me posted with your clips! :)

Hi Barricade,

good to see that other people have the 6L6 version, since the most SE users seem to have the EL34 version.

You can check out my clips at the url below, but i warn you i'm still struggling with my tone and not quite there yet. I think i'm improving slowly but surely, but i don't have a sick tone such as yours yet :)

http://www.netmusicians.org/index.php?section=amp&value=Engl SE 6L6

Also check out the SE EL34 clips some people have posted (gibson5413 & drummerboy7816 users have posted some of my favourite tones) :

http://www.netmusicians.org/index.php?value=Engl SE EL34&section=amp

Before i upload your clip, how about you give me some details so that i put them attached to the clip on netmusicians.net ? See the current ENGL SE clips to see the kind of details you can provide.

And i guess people on this forum would like to know more about how you got that sick tone.
guys, have you ever tried to play metal with a guitar with a single coil bridge pickup? single coils are a lot brighter than humbuckers. that's what you are hearing. that should be pretty obvious. still, it sounds pretty good considering!