Well I found the concert I wrote about in the Enslaved thread.
Here's a lil guide to watch it, since you have to navigate through a norwegian site for it
-> http://www.nrk.no/p3/
-> Scroll a bit down and look at the left column: under the orange/white headline LYD OG VIDEO press VIDEODAGBOK:ENSLAVED
-> that's just a short interview in norwegian, I postet the translation in the Enslaved thread. Write Enslaved in the white box in the upperright corner and press SØK
-> Now look to the bottom left of the small window, and press number 2 from the top, the one called just "Enslaved"
-> If a window without the video appear with the buttons: TA TESTEN og LAGRE appears, click TA TESTEN then a number will appear in the white box, and then LAGRE
-> Then the video should work, if it doesn't: I'm sorry for having wasted your time, I give up
Here's a lil guide to watch it, since you have to navigate through a norwegian site for it

-> http://www.nrk.no/p3/
-> Scroll a bit down and look at the left column: under the orange/white headline LYD OG VIDEO press VIDEODAGBOK:ENSLAVED
-> that's just a short interview in norwegian, I postet the translation in the Enslaved thread. Write Enslaved in the white box in the upperright corner and press SØK
-> Now look to the bottom left of the small window, and press number 2 from the top, the one called just "Enslaved"
-> If a window without the video appear with the buttons: TA TESTEN og LAGRE appears, click TA TESTEN then a number will appear in the white box, and then LAGRE
-> Then the video should work, if it doesn't: I'm sorry for having wasted your time, I give up