enslaved/dark funeral show, jan. 9th @ jaxx, Va.

they're playing close to me (really close to my friend's house).

none of my friends are down for Goatwhore since they're playing with shit bands. maybe i can talk them into going to this.
that is a must see black metal show, to witness the mighty Frost (one of the sickest drummers in black metal) Will be well worth it .
Yeah, Nashville's 2 hours away from here, I don't know if my parents would let me but if it's a college night I think I'll sneak up there and drive, it's 3 hours from college but who cares. Here's to me not getting hurt in metro traffic as I've never drove through it.:kickass:
did anyone go to this? anyone have setlists for enslaved and df?

Enslaved in no particular order:
Bounded by Allegiance
Return to Yggdrasil
Path to Vanir
Fusion of Sense and Earth
Queen of Night
Slaget I Skogen Bortenfor
I can't remember what track from Monumension they did

So yeah, heavy on the two most recent records, plus a couple of old ones. They skipped about three whole albums I guess, which kinda sucks. Still a great set though.