Enslaved Live


Riotusly Extreme!
Jul 9, 2001
North Wales
Did anyone get to see Enslaved live this last week or so (UK)?
I went to see them in Bradford on Saturday 16th, and they were amazing!!

The crowd weren't really up for it, i think everyone else was there for Decapitated (they were bloody amazing tho' it has to be said!), and they didnt play any older stuff (I would of loved to hear 793 live!!, all 18 mins of it! :D ), But they still rocked!
I went to the Fri/15/Garage gig and they were really good. I know what you mean about the crowd - people were throwing drinks at them and shouting crap (thankfully an idiotic minority).
I really enjoyed the moumension-heavy set as it's such a diverse and great album.
I read in a few forums that people think they're selling out by shedding the sound of earlier albums, but i really think this just makes them a better band as the style of music is very limited and gets pretty boring when all tracks/bands just sound the same.

Thankfully the northern crowd was a bit more respectful than you southern mob!! LOL! :)

I think you may be right about the music tho'. Some people just dont like change - it's that simple. I personally love the new stuff Enslaved are doing. Having saod that - i've "grown up" listening to the old stuff and love that just as much!

I'm all for change as long as it's for the better!! Deicide anyone....!!!