
Luminous I couldnt agree with you more. At one time I thought Arcturus was the best black metal band- but the Sham Mirrors ( which was very good) didnt live up to La Masquerade- and the pianist could have been a bit more skilled. Enslaved's new cd is just wonderful- a bit more cohesive than Monumension- so I like it a touch more.

Im sorry but if you dont like Enslaved- then you truly do not like quality progressive music. Any band can go into a garage and become a darkthrone, Marduk, and or Dark funeral- insert name of the hardcore black metal band- clone- it doesnt take much musical ability( although I do rather like Darkthrone and old Mayhem)
speed said:
Im sorry but if you dont like Enslaved- then you truly do not like quality progressive music. Any band can go into a garage and become a darkthrone, Marduk, and or Dark funeral- insert name of the hardcore black metal band- clone- it doesnt take much musical ability( although I do rather like Darkthrone and old Mayhem)

You know nothing about me. Please refrain from making snap judgements in the future. And like I said, I think Enslaved is great, however their latest efforts seem weak and bloated to me.
Yes true- I know nothing about you- and I should not make snap judgments about a person whom I nothing about. Yet, I noticed you putting down Enslaved- and a great many other very good talented bands, and I am rather perplexed- I suppose I want to understand why you dont like many of these bands?
Personal taste and free will perhaps. Just because someone deems something to be mandatory, or whatever, doesn't necessarily make it so.

At the very least, it's not as though I have ever in my life based an opinion on raging, blind ignorance. I give everything a fair chance before forming an opinion of it, and I can't be bothered if others can't handle that opinion.
I totally agree with you on those issues of tast and free will etc- I just want to know musically why you dislike them (all of those bands you hate)- their style- , boring songs, simple songs, bad musicianship, derivative , etc. I by no means am trying to insult your taste- I just want to know why you have come to such conclusions as you have?
COol to get some replys about a great band. Unfortuantely none answered my question, so I grew a set and took the risk. WOW! What a great dvd. I highly reccommend. I can't wait to see them tonight.
Old Dirty bastard- you must have a thin skin- I merely ask questions, pose question etc- you retort with statements like its shit etc- and then validate how shit is really shit-and never needs to be explained.

Fine, I will stop mentioning anything to you- but I think it needs to be noted- that you rarely have any argument- yet you seem to get pissed off when I do- sorry for having an developed opinion. I usually change my opinions anyway- I just like to post them( much to your chagrin I suppose)- but at least I have a little somthing to back them up- instead of great statements like its shit etc.

I see why you didnt get along with Dying SUn- although he was a very odd elitist- who also was very set in his ways about taste- he did have developed opinions, and he was intelligent.
To the original question, the DVD is amazing. The sound and video quality is superb, and they play an amazing set. Highly recommended.

I love all Enslaved albums, and most definitely the newer stuff. I'm kind of coming off of an Enslaved high right now, being that I'm just a few days removed from seeing them live.
speed said:
Old Dirty bastard- you must have a thin skin- I merely ask questions, pose question etc- you retort with statements like its shit etc- and then validate how shit is really shit-and never needs to be explained.

Fine, I will stop mentioning anything to you- but I think it needs to be noted- that you rarely have any argument- yet you seem to get pissed off when I do- sorry for having an developed opinion. I usually change my opinions anyway- I just like to post them( much to your chagrin I suppose)- but at least I have a little somthing to back them up- instead of great statements like its shit etc.

I see why you didnt get along with Dying SUn- although he was a very odd elitist- who also was very set in his ways about taste- he did have developed opinions, and he was intelligent.

I think you need help in quelling your over-analytical tendencies.

Also, I don't see how your just asking a mere question in response to just about everything I post equals an argument on your part. I've never seen you validate a damn thing. It's a bunch of "I'm like this, why aren't you?" bullshit and nothing more. So tell me, what makes you a better fan of music for liking the new Enslaved? Why are you better than everyone else for having tastes ranging outside the metal genre?

I actually don't see why you have to question everything I say to begin with. Does it really bother you that much that someone doesn't agrees with your own pigheadedness? It's pitiful.

One last thing, big words and cut and past opinions do not equal intelligence, so Dying Sun can fuck right off as well.
Oh, and if you absolutely must know, the reason why I don't like the recent Enslaved material is because I feel they are trying too hard to create these psychedelic "atmospheres" while totally neglecting to compose anything resembling an actual song. There is little structure and I'm too easily bored of such repetative nonsense.
Excellent- I agree with you- yet I like those passages, as I know of few other metal bands that have the talent or the balls to try them.

So, sorry, maybe we can bury the hatchet now- I am usually not this critical of others opinions in real life- but because of the relative anonymity this web site provides- I take things further than I usually would.

I think you have over stated my opinions, and as you said my pig headedness- my opinions are never set in stone- they always change- and I really dont care that someone disagrees with me- in fact if they provide a valid argument I usually end up partially or totally agreeing with them. As you have stated i am a bit over analytical- I was in law school for two years- before I decided I just couldnt be a lawyer- now I am in grad school working on a thesis- so I suppose that rubs off into my posts. And yes I do use I, and my a little too much- so sorry.
speed said:
Yes true- I know nothing about you- and I should not make snap judgments about a person whom I nothing about. Yet, I noticed you putting down Enslaved- and a great many other very good talented bands, and I am rather perplexed- I suppose I want to understand why you dont like many of these bands?

Why do you always make a big issue out of it when someone has a different opinion to you? The guy doesn't like it for fuck sake - deal with it. Do we really need a deep,psychological dissection of people's tastes, or can we just accept people like DIFFERENT FUCKING THINGS?
And why do you post like a stereotypical SF robot talks? "I am rather perplexed"??? You mean you're pissed off because some guy disagreed with you.