Enslaved: "Vertebrae" due in September

Wow, a lotta twatpots here. I heart enslaved, and all their albums, including Vertebrae. I love the way they've evolved. Listening to enslaved from Nema all the way to Vertebrae, back to back, in one sitting, is quite an experience. I'm very pleased with Vertebrae, which was initially a rather challenging listen. Wasn't sure if i liked it at first. But it's a grower.
Whoever mentioned earlier in this thread that parts of Vertebrae sounded like Pink Floyd were actually right. In the song "Ground" at about 2:49 they bust into a total Floydlike mode. Following that is the best Enslaved solo ever. Its pretty amazing stuff actually and needless to say im blown away by this album as a whole.
Yeah i'm definitely hearing the floyd influences in Vertabrae and it actually sounds good, the way they put everything together. I have definitely grown to the point where i think this album is totally amazing.
Actually, it would be more like Darkthrone releasing a crust punk record called "F.O.A.D." in 2007.

I see what you're trying to say, but it doesn't make any sense. Authors don't change names when they write different kinds of books. Directors don't change names when they switch movie genres. Your argument is just straight-up weird: should a band also change their name whenever they lose or gain members? What about adding an instrument? Trying out a new vocal style?

As a man named V5 once said,

If it was up to me, a band would change their name if they change their style and message. If it changes due to losing/gaining members or adding instruments depends on the output, of course. It all clearly depends. Does this opinion make me wrong? I don't think so. I think this is the way to go about things, and you clearly don't. Moot point.
The removal of DOW's posts has made this the "me rambling to myself" thread. Coool.

@10293847: The ol' "it's just my opinion!" argument gets abused to death around here. Of course we're bandying around opinions, that goes without saying.

I'm not purporting to be serving up fact, and I'm not trying to censor your free speech or something, I'm arguing with you. You have an opinion, and *my* opinion is that *your* opinion doesn't make any sense. If you don't want to discuss it anymore, fine, but I think you can see where I'm coming from.
Whoever mentioned earlier in this thread that parts of Vertebrae sounded like Pink Floyd were actually right. In the song "Ground" at about 2:49 they bust into a total Floydlike mode. Following that is the best Enslaved solo ever. Its pretty amazing stuff actually and needless to say im blown away by this album as a whole.

Album of the year hands down.

Great album...probably one of the top contenders for best album 2008

It's getting better with every listen.

Fuck, I can't wait to get my copy :erk:
You know, I'm old school :lol:

I just don't download stuff. I've already ordered some cds, but it will take time. Problem is, some stuff is difficult to find, even for importers (Arghoslent stuff, for example). My sister is living in Austin, guess I'll ask her to bring me some shit when she comes next time :cool:
New pic of the gods themselves

I've never listened to this band, but this thread really makes me think I should. No band on this site ever get this much universal praise.
I am just on the third track (first listen), and my first impression is mixed. Clouds starts off rather great, but then the muted pseudo-distorted tone of the guitars (excessively fuzzy, with no texture is how I would described them) began to grate on my nerves.

On the positive side, the vocals, especially the clean type sound much better than I have ever heard from Enslaved before.

Edit: Just finished my first listen and wow, what an ending! Clouds started out awesome, but then I felt as if the album kinda of what off course before returning to a truly enthralling direction to end things off in the last couple of songs. These judgments are tentative of course, as more listens are necessary.