
Under a Stone

Nov 24, 2003
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I haven't really checked this band out but my curiosity for how they sound tells me that i should. I keep hearing fans raving on about how good Below The lights and how it's a blend of 70's progressive rock and viking metal.

The question is, do they live to the hype and if so what would be an good album to start off with?
Yeah, good stuff. Although, they are very hard to get into at first. It depends on what you want to hear, when recommending where to start.

Vikinglidr Veldi or Frost for viking black metal
Eld for Bathory-esque viking metal with some black metal touches
Blodhemn for just pure raging black metal
Mardraum for "cyber" viking metal
Monumension or Below the Lights for proggish viking metal

And yes, my descriptions suck, but they are fairly accurate. You might as well start from the beginning, to be honest. Below the Lights is fairly accessible, so perhaps there.

My personal faves are Eld and Monumension, though I'm thinking more highly of Vikingligr Veldi lately.
Erik said:
"Vikingligr Veldi" is one of the very finest albums of the 90's Norwegian scene. Amazing.
The thing I like about this one is that it was pretty instant for me. Comparitively, it took a while to appreciate the glory of, say, In the Nightside Eclipse, but Enslaved are just the masters of the "approachable riff", and Vikingligr Veldi gave me instant gratification.

Actually, Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism captured my attention pretty quickly too, in a similar kind of way.
I've read from certain places saying that Vikingligr Veldi is one of the best black metal albums to be released. I think will definalty seek this one out, Eld still intrerests me though.

Cheers for the recommendations everyone :)
Is this the re-issue cover of Frost?

I think that's a rare version of Frost. In fact, I think the Enslaved logo and "Frost" are actually on the jewel case, not the booklet.
I picked up "Below the Lights" based largely on RC hype and The End offering it for $9. Try as I might, I just don't hear what is enjoyable about this disc. Maybe I need to give it another spin when I can grant it my full attention. However, it's more likely that I just "don't get" this style of music.


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