
Well I finally clicked on this thread to read what Enslaved were all about... and well...

The two most dangerous drugs, alcohol and nicotine, are perfectly legal in most (if not all) corners of the world. Legality of a drug has absolutely nothing to with whether it is "bad" or not, it simply comes down to assumptions made by the powers that be as well as what is deemed acceptible by the common citizen. Should anyone be able to snort a line of coke and light up a PCP-laced joint right before going to work? Well no, but look at the statistics of alcohol related deaths, crimes, etc. and tell me that it isn't as bad, if not worse, than most illegal drugs.

By the way, the only drug I do anymore is alcohol, but I at least recognize that is not safe for me. I should go back to smoking weed, but that shit makes me paranoid. :cool:

Another interesting fact, marijuana use in Amsterdam is roughly 22%, while in America it is well above 30%. I watched a special on this last year, one of the Amsterdam drugs officials said "we've succeeded in making marijuana as boring as possible."
NAD said:
Well I finally clicked on this thread to read what Enslaved were all about... and well...
NAD - I think you'd really like Below the Lights. I'll rip you a CDR if you like. Dying to hear your thoughts on Elenium at some point as well, but I'll wait for the review.
My only post in this thread is babbling about nicotine v. alcohol v. thc. Blah, they all rule.

Anyhow, this album is pretty trippy, I'm digging it. Haha, 2003? Wow, what a wonderful year. :Spin:

EDIT: Looks like I picked the wrong thread to bump, this isn't about Enslaved at all. :loco:
This is, in fact, the first time I've ever been on telly, but I'd just like to say that the Yggdrasill demo and Vikingligr Veldi are their best works by far, followed by Eld, Frost and Hordanes Land. The other four are good too, though. Yes. Mardraum is a tad underrated, methinks.

(Spot the Monty Python reference! :p )