There's free will then there's fact. Infected Nations is a better album than Enter the Grave in every possible aspect - that's a fact. People prefer Enter the Grave - that's an opinion. But it's a nonensical one that I can't understand whatsoever.
Keenan is a fag - fact.
Fuck it I'm fed up wih trying to get the point across so let's see if you can understand this:
You're all fucking stupid.
I try to get my point across in a reasnable manner and people miss the sodding point my friend. It's like trying to teach infants quantum physics on here.
Thats why I failed in science, I was too busy swinging a bulls eye above my head to listen to the teacher (In those days Biology was part of the science class for some reason)
On a serious note though, some of us are more advanced than others and they are maybe not as clued up on the subtleties of the English language as we are, and will think that you are firing cheap shots
i've never heard anyone say of an album that got them into a band in the first place that it was generic shite. thats a new one on me.
You ever tried teaching quantum physics to a bunch of children who're preoccupied with eating crayons and shoving scissors up their nose? It's fucking impossible
I'm past the point of giving a shit mate, I'll fire cheap shots all over their faces (the forum members, not the children!!)
So's ya face?
I'd have to compare it to (Sorry, yes this band again) Metallica's first two albums.
Kill 'Em All (Enter the Grave) - Fairly straight forward thrash metal. Great riffs, double bass, bad lyricsIts a "Fun" album.
Ride the Lightning (Infected Nations) - Better, albeit, slower riffs, more complex time signatures, longer songs, great lyrics, "Fun time is over, time to get serious" album.
If anything I'd say it's more like ...And Justice for All, but comparisons can be limiting.I see the point Keenan was getting across though, Enter the Grave is a much more 'immature' or 'fun' album in comparison to Infected Nations. Both great albums nonetheless!