Enter yourself into the Hall of Shame


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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I actually started a thread, asking if Opeth should do an album with a story line. Once I read the lyrics to MAYH thread, and realized my idiocy, I deleted that thread of stupidity.

In honor of myself, I now enter myself into the Hall of Shame.

Feel free to enter yourself into this hall - for anything you've done deserving of this glorious recognition, no matter how big or small, and no matter if it's Opeth related or not.

{I have other entries more deserving, but I figured I'd start with the most recent one:) }
Anything stupid...well, lets see...last year i got really really drunk, and could hear Slipnkot being blasted from another dorm room. I proceeded to begin (loudly, apparently) ragging on Slipknot and talking about how stupid their fans have to be. UNfortunately, there were four huge, shaved head aggro-rockers in the room with the music playing. They heard me, came out and surrounded (mind you I was in no condition to fight). My friend saved my ass by tellling them I love Slipknot and was just really drunk.

Another great moment...in 9th grade (fall 96), on the first day at this new school, I met this hot chick. I was totally smitten after just one day. At the end of that day, I began walking down the stairs to the first floor. UNfortunately, someone had spilled something at the top of the stairs. I slipped, flew head first down the entire flight, landed on my hand and wrist (my thumb was fractured and wrist sprained. I hit my head very hard on the ground. I was only semi-concious, but I found out later I had landed on that girl when I hit the bottom :s :s :s :cry:

yet ANOTHER time: I am a criminal justice major, and last year, as part of a requirement, we had to go on a ride-along with the San Diego PD. The cop I went with, one Officer Mack, was a nice enough guy, gave me a good time, and wished me well. The next day I got really drunk, and my friends and I decided to walk the hundred feet from our dorm to a 7-11. I came around the corner from behind the 7-11, and walked straight into the chest of...the same cop I did the ride-along with........he grabbed my shirt and pulled me behind the 7-11 and yelled at me to get back to the dorms before another cop saw me staggering around....I was so embarassed, but lucky he didn't get me for drunk in public...
hmn, well a few weeks ago in front of over 500 people at a media conference in London, i went up to Tony Ben who was giving a speech, and whilst everyone was asking serious questions like, ''what do you think of the mellenium dome incidents'' i felt the urge to say that i was his biggest fan, and i want to shake your hand. anyway... as if that wasnt enough later on a man came in from Nike and had 2 limited Freestyle basketball white label vinyls. he asked who he thought should have one. so whilst everyone else sat down raising their hand i had another urge to stand up, raise my arms out wide (Jesus style) and shout at the top of my voice ''IM A FREESTYLER'' and ran up to the front. anyway thats not really shameful...:rolleyes:
People always says hi to me and i cant never remember who they are. It can be people i havent seen in 10 years and they remember they where in 4th grade with me and i have no clue, i guess my big kid face makes me easy to remember, i hate saying hi and having no clue who their are, and KNOWING they know i know that i dont know who they are.

Ok that is a bit confusing..
I will win the prize for the most horrifically embarassing story HANDS DOWN.

I had a shopping cart full of groceries and I was going to wheel it out into the parking lot to my car. So I went down the little ramp off the curb, and I realized I'd have to cross over a speedbump to get to my car. So I tried going over it, but I didn't have enough oompf. Meanwhile, the cars are lining up, waiting for me to cross. So I backed up and pushed my cart really hard at an angle. Instead of going OVER the speedbump, it went up and then tipped to the side, crashing to the ground and spilling all my groceries -- OUT of the bags, even. The line of cars is sooo long now, and people are honking because they can't see what's going on. No one stopped to help me as I crouched on the ground throwing everything into my cart. I seriously wanted to just leave everything right there in the street and run away. :cry:

But it's funny as shit now. :lol:

I also have a propensity to fall, as well, which has led to much hilarity at my expense.
Ooh, just remembered another classic! At the Immortal show in Corona in March 2000, I was headbanging (long hair then) in the front row. I hit my head on one of the stage monitors and cut open my forehead. But blood is VERY metal, so I don't think anyone more than those around me even noticed!:lol:
I would have to think pretty hard to come up with the real good ones. I have this ability to just forget things....push them to the back of my head or whatever.......oh yea...puking right outside of my class room in 8th grade is a pretty good one...ha ha...and then someone slipped in it:lol: :lol:
haha that's funny, leadfoot.

I have happy and sad moments but no embarrassing moments. Nothing risible at least.

I like watching others get embarassed. I like people slipping on patches of ice, struggle for seconds before finally taking the fall, things like that. It's never happened to me, but I remember the site of my best friend in kindergarden-- he and I had both simultaneously been transferred to the "Eagle Class" which means in the spectrum of grade school, the class of the geekiest. Still, my friend and I were pretty happy. He slapped me five , I slapped him five. To make a long story a bit shorter, the next day I recall my friend with a really bad look in his face. We were sittting on the floor. My friend had been denied a pass to the bathroom. Consequently, I saw a stream issuing from his pants. hmm.. I love it when classmates piss anc crap their pants in school. What idiots. :) A week later, btw, we both got sent back to the other class. :err: (I couldn't read until the end of 1st grade!!)