Entertainment & Freedom of Speech


The FCC has gone nuts in the USA, they have cracked down on certain
radio shows & selected TV shows, but since the whole Janet Jackson thing at the Superbowl, they have now targeted Howard Stern. That's insane that he's on the verge of getting pulled off the airwaves nation wide! The question here is, will this spread to the release of certain records, tours, ect? Figures that this chaos was brought to us by a fuckin' Jackson.
I wish abortions could be retro active, I'd wipe out that whole fuckin' family!
sixxswine said:
The FCC has gone nuts in the USA, they have cracked down on certain
radio shows & selected TV shows, but since the whole Janet Jackson thing at the Superbowl, they have now targeted Howard Stern. That's insane that he's on the verge of getting pulled off the airwaves nation wide! The question here is, will this spread to the release of certain records, tours, ect? Figures that this chaos was brought to us by a fuckin' Jackson.
I wish abortions could be retro active, I'd wipe out that whole fuckin' family!

It's certainly nuts, I'll agree with you there, but this has a limited shelf life.
It's just a bubble and it'll burst. You can't say that Janet started all this or
blame her for this. This was brewing and smoldering like an ember long before
Janet came along. Those who are perpetrating this are using her like a pawn
to further their backlash. It won't gather too much stream, I don't think this
is 1985 anymore. There are always reasonable limits on Freedom of Speech.
Freedom of Speech is not limitless. The Government, FYI, can actually censor
speech. They've had the power for a long time to do so. If your words can
cause harm or threaten the safety of the public order, the Government does
have the right to censor you. I don't think that's out of line and it's not
done everyday.
It will all blow over, it always does. Another "cuase" will come along and the "defenders of America" will start doging something else like movies, books, the internet.. the list goes on.

And don't worry about Stern, this is all free pub for him. His shit show will continue.... unfortunately. That guy is boring and not funny if you ask me. Just my opinion.
Greeno said:
And don't worry about Stern, this is all free pub for him. His shit show will continue....
True, I failed to consider that. Stern will milk everything to his advantage
for publicity and take it to the Nth degree to work it in his favor.
Good insight Greeno.
I sure hope you boys are right. I would hate to this to bleed over to certain releases being held off or tours being cancelled stuff like that. I think about the only thing about really disturbs me about fredom of speech & expression is having some knuckle head burning "old glory." I know it's their right, but I would prefer no to see this...
sixxswine said:
I sure hope you boys are right. I would hate to this to bleed over to certain releases being held off or tours being cancelled stuff like that. I think about the only thing about really disturbs me about fredom of speech & expression is having some knuckle head burning "old glory." I know it's their right, but I would prefer no to see this...
What you're seeing isn't a liberal backlash it's a conservative backlash.
Just who's heading the stampede I dunno, but I don't think anyone will
be burning Old Glory anytime soon. Liberals are flagburners not conservatives.
I think the music industry's been through this backlash before so I don't see it happening any time again now.
Right now it's really just about homos getting hitched and family values
stuff on tv.
I only listened to Stern for the celebrity interviews. A lot of stuff was just 5th grade fart humor but he always had somebody good on like David Lee Roth, Ozzy, or who knows who would show up on there. i don't miss him, though I wonder what could have got him pulled off when he's been doing "anal ring toss" for ages and that never got him in trouble?!?!?!

I think on one hand it's scary that stuff is getting censored but on the other hand I think America DOES need more morality. I'm pretty liberal (live and let live) especially for a Baptist, but you gotta admit the world can't get much more evil than it is now. I don't know what the answer is, because everybody has free will.

I don't think music or movies are in danger, though. Metal survived Tipper Gore back in the day and will thrive again. Just may be more stipulations to it...which is ok, just give people the right to choose what's right for them and their children.
In the immortal words of Nancy Reagan... "Burn the building, Burn the building!!!"

It all a buch of crap, and the conservatives or libererals have no idea where the real threat lies in the entertainment industry. They're screaming about Janet's tit, and Howard's mouth... meanwhile G.G. Allin was jerkin' off and crapping on people from stage all the 80's. Now that's a freakin' threat!!! ... But they don't even know he existed????
plan13 said:
In the immortal words of Nancy Reagan... "Burn the building, Burn the building!!!"

It all a buch of crap, and the conservatives or libererals have no idea where the real threat lies in the entertainment industry. They're screaming about Janet's tit, and Howard's mouth... meanwhile G.G. Allin was jerkin' off and crapping on people from stage all the 80's. Now that's a freakin' threat!!! ... But they don't even know he existed????

Was it Nancy or one of the other PMRC wives that said that (while holding up a copy of Def Lep's Pyromania album)? :lol:

If the PMRC had known about GG I bet they would have been fans. I can see Tipper up front at a show helping GG shove that banana up his butt. :D
plan13 said:
In the immortal words of Nancy Reagan... "Burn the building, Burn the building!!!"

It all a buch of crap, and the conservatives or libererals have no idea where the real threat lies in the entertainment industry. They're screaming about Janet's tit, and Howard's mouth... meanwhile G.G. Allin was jerkin' off and crapping on people from stage all the 80's. Now that's a freakin' threat!!! ... But they don't even know he existed????

Now that he's dead I'm not sure it matters but yes, you prove a very
insightful point. I'm not sure GG Allin had enough star power though, not
sure he was even a blip on the radar. Janet was on the Super Bowl.
Officer Nice said:
Now that he's dead I'm not sure it matters but yes, you prove a very
insightful point. I'm not sure GG Allin had enough star power though, not
sure he was even a blip on the radar. Janet was on the Super Bowl.
If GG had been on the Super Bowl, I might've actually found football interesting!
I seldom got into political discussions in metal forums (they only end in sour attitudes and resentment). But I'm going to summarize what is happening to the Land of the Free in 2004...


All hail Big Brother and remember, the screen of the computer can see you too. o_O

Does anybody remember the government in "Escape From L.A"? Maybe Carpenter was prophet after all...:ill:

Altering the facts and figures, events and every issue.
Make a person disappear, and no one will ever miss you.
Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was.
Eliminates incompetence, and those who break the laws.
Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules.
Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools.
You say you've got the answers, well who asked you anyway?
Ever think maybe it was meant to be this way?
Don't try to fool us, we know the worst is yet to come.
I believe my kingdom will come.
F is for fighting,
R is for red, ancestors' blood in battles they've shed.
E, we elect them,
E, we eject them. In the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
D, for your dying,
O, your overture,
M, they will cover your grave with manure.
This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me, as long as there's a P.M.R.C.

Me? I'm going to see as much porn and hear as much metal while I can...:confused:
Officer Nice said:
What you're seeing isn't a liberal backlash it's a conservative backlash.
Just who's heading the stampede I dunno, but I don't think anyone will
be burning Old Glory anytime soon. Liberals are flagburners not conservatives.
I think the music industry's been through this backlash before so I don't see it happening any time again now.
Right now it's really just about homos getting hitched and family values
stuff on tv.
I don't know about that.... it could come from either side. While it is true that the right wings want "old values" etc. etc. it is the left wings that want an intrusive government that gets in everyone's business. I'm not even so sure the government can control the media, and is probably in fact closer to the other way around. I love ther information age but there is a great deal of corporate yahoo going on in the world today. Wal-Mart could get pissed off at a manufacturer they are supllied by, stop carrying their products and cause that company to go out of business. What does all of that have to do with this post ? Everything. The very few control the very many in today's corporate America and that also includes the media.
The media probably hyped this up to stir up more controversy and more ratings...

sixxswine said:
I sure hope you boys are right. I would hate to this to bleed over to certain releases being held off or tours being cancelled stuff like that. I think about the only thing about really disturbs me about fredom of speech & expression is having some knuckle head burning "old glory." I know it's their right, but I would prefer no to see this...
I am also a firm believer of "freedom of speech and expression" as well, and though I'm not particularly patriotic, if someone has the right to burn a flag as a demonstration, I have the right to kick his ass as my demonstration. I do consider our national symbol sacred and it doesn't bother me it all if someone has an American flag on their t-shirt or something, but someone setting it on fire makes my blood boil.

sixxswine said:
So are you guys more of a liberal or conservative?
I'm neither, I prefer to decide for myself & not get
into the I'm for this or that... That's just so damn black & white.
There's too many damn grey areas...
SIXXSWINE=free agent
The way I see it is, it's like eating only hot dogs and hamburgers for the rest of your life. Why deal with only two choices ? Sure you can add different toppings and condiments that will change it a little but your still getting a burger and a frank when it comes down to it.
The "two party" system is utterly and completely rediculous and I will not subscribe to it. There are a very very few "Conservative Democrats" and "Leftist Republicans" that will stand up from time to time and vote on issues opposite that their "party" wants them to vote, but if they do it too much and too often, they get blackballed by their party and will probably never get another high profile government job.

I am neither Liberal nor conservative (lean more toward conservative if I had to choose) as even if we get an "honest" politician, the "system" itself corrupts them before everything is said and done.

Bryant said:
I am also a firm believer of "freedom of speech and expression" as well, and though I'm not particularly patriotic, if someone has the right to burn a flag as a demonstration, I have the right to kick his ass as my demonstration.
How does someone "desecrating" an inanimate object give you the right to physically harm them? Believe it or not, there is a difference.
duckattack said:
How does someone "desecrating" an inanimate object give you the right to physically harm them? Believe it or not, there is a difference.
Because basically I say it does. No offense to you and I am not upset nor trying to be a smart-ass, I'm just being honest here. Laws don't mean a whole lot to me in the first place as I follow "the golden rule" best I can. I'm not a violent person. In fact I am as I said above I am a firm believer in doing onto others as you would want them to do onto you, but everyone has certain things that piss them off and someone burning my country's symbol frankly pisses me off to the degree that I would kick them in the teeth if they chose to do that in front of me. I wouldn't wait for them to do that just for an excuse to go off on someone. I would be as nice as possible to disuade them from doing such an act, but if they did I would go redneck on their ass.
To you maybe the flag is insignificant or maybe you aren't even from America as you have no location below your avatar, but I can say that as screwed up as this country is at times, I wouldn't live anywhere else. This nation didn't become the world's economic and military superpower by accident. This nation was founded by people that wanted freedom, liberty and prosperity and many gave their lives for that to happen and that is what the flag represents to me. I'm not saying this country is infallable. I think our government and citiczens makes a lot of mistakes, but this country is also less than 230 years old and is always growing and learning as a nation.

Bryant said:
I don't know about that.... it could come from either side. While it is true that the right wings want "old values" etc. etc. it is the left wings that want an intrusive government that gets in everyone's business. I'm not even so sure the government can control the media, and is probably in fact closer to the other way around. I love ther information age but there is a great deal of corporate yahoo going on in the world today. Wal-Mart could get pissed off at a manufacturer they are supllied by, stop carrying their products and cause that company to go out of business. What does all of that have to do with this post ? Everything. The very few control the very many in today's corporate America and that also includes the media.
The media probably hyped this up to stir up more controversy and more ratings...


You're right, it could come from either side but this backlash isn't liberal
expansionism, it's definitely more on the side of the Conservatives.
Liberals traditionally know nothing about Corporate business do they?
Not traditionally, no. Who favors Corporations and Corporate Tax Cuts
and Tax Incentives and Tax Breaks more? The Conservatives or the
Liberals? The Conservatives. The very few generally always have controlled
the very many. The wealthiest people in America have the most power.
Always have. The only purpose the media has now is to hype. They
serve no other purpose.