Not only does the GOP have their priorities out of wack, they are also prudes.


Sep 11, 2005
Bush signs broadcast-decency law

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President Bush signed legislation yesterday that will cost broadcasters dearly when raunchy programming exceeds "the bounds of decency."

At a signing ceremony for the new law increasing by tenfold the maximum fine for indecency, Bush said that it will force broadcasters to "take seriously their duty to keep the public airwaves free of obscene, profane and indecent material."

For raunchy talk or a racy show of skin, the Federal Communications Commission can now fine a broadcaster up to $325,000 per incident.

Approval of the bill culminates a two-year effort to get tough on sexually explicit material and offensive language on radio and television since Janet Jackson's 2004 Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction."

The FCC recently denied a petition of reconsideration from CBS Corp.-owned stations facing $550,000 in fines over the Jackson incident, in which she briefly revealed a breast during a halftime concert.

The agency recently handed down its biggest fine, $3.3 million, against more than 100 CBS affiliates that aired an episode of the series "Without a Trace" that simulated an orgy scene. That fine is now under review.

The FCC has received increasing complaints about lewd material over the airwaves, and has responded with fines jumping from $440,000 in 2003 to almost $8 million in 2004.

"The problem we have is that the maximum penalty that the FCC can impose under current law is just $32,500 per violation," Bush said. "And for some broadcasters, this amount is meaningless. It's relatively painless for them when they violate decency standards."

The bill does not apply to cable or satellite broadcasts, and does not try to define what is indecent. The FCC says indecent material is that which contains sexual or excretory material that does not reach the level of obscenity.

The legislation, while facing little resistance in Congress, had detractors warning of problems in defining what is indecent and of the erosion of First Amendment rights.

"The government's own data show that the vast majority of complaints come from a handful of people encouraged by activists to complain about these shows, and not the viewers themselves," said Jim Dyke, executive director of TV Watch, an interest group that includes NBC and CBS and opposes government regulation of television programming. "The disparity between the millions who tune in and the few complainants is further evidence that Americans do not believe the government should control what they watch on TV."

Under FCC rules and federal law, radio and over-the-air television stations may not air obscene material at any time, and may not air indecent material between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. when children are more likely to be in the audience.

"Unfortunately, in recent years, broadcast programming has too often pushed the bounds of decency," Bush said. "The language is becoming coarser during the times when it's more likely children will be watching television. It's a bad trend, a bad sign."

here's another story, from last year :

Republicans urge satellite, cable indecency rules
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Indecency guidelines that over-the-air broadcasters must follow should be extended to cover cable and satellite broadcasters, congressional Republicans who are influential on telecommunications issues said yesterday.

Most viewers don't differentiate between traditional TV and cable so they don't know when they might be exposed to objectionable programming, Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, head of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, told the National Association of Broadcasters in Washington. His view mirrors that of the NAB, which supports extending indecency rules to all television programming.

"In this country, there [have] to be some standards of decency," said Stevens, who said he would push for such legislation.

However, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, a trade group, said people choose to pay for channels and, as part of their subscription, are able to block programming they don't want seen in their homes. Because of that, the group said, any legislation would face an uphill battle in court.

Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, voiced support for the idea of indecency guidelines for cable and satellite and said he would consult with Stevens on possible legislation.

"It's not fair to subject over-the-air broadcasters to one set of rules and subject cable and satellite to no rules," Barton told reporters after a separate appearance before the broadcasters group.

The House last month overwhelmingly passed a bill to raise the maximum indecency fine from $32,500 to $500,000. A similar bill has been introduced in the Senate but has not had a hearing.

Federal law bars nonsatellite radio stations and noncable television channels from airing certain references to sexual and excretory functions between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when children are most likely be tuning in.

The Federal Communications Commission has no power to regulate cable and satellite stations, which do not use public airwaves and are subscriber-paid. Cable and satellite stations are available to about 85% of the roughly 108 million U.S. households with televisions.

In December, the FCC rejected a request from a radio station owner that the FCC begin imposing broadcast-indecency regulations to subscription satellite services.

Last year, FCC Chairman Michael Powell told the broadcasters group that he did not "generally support the extension of content rules to cable and satellite unless Congress supports a statement asking us to do so."

The broadcasters association, which represents free, over-the-air radio and TV stations, has been critical of the lack of indecency guidelines for cable and satellite stations.

"If a 5-year-old uses the clicker ... he can't differentiate between the over-the-air signals and a cable signal," said Edward Fritts, the association's president.

The cable group pointed to a 2000 Supreme Court ruling, United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group, that said Congress violated free-speech rights when it sought to protect children from sexually oriented cable channels like Playboy Television.

The anti-smut law, enacted by Congress in 1996, had required cable systems to restrict sex-oriented networks to overnight hours if they did not fully scramble their signals for nonsubscribers.

Cable companies have instituted a public-service campaign in the last two years to educate customers about channel-blocking tools, said Brian Dietz, a vice president for the cable group.
I am so sick of Bush and company running this country into the ground, and telling me what the fuck is decent and indecent. Lets fine radio stations that make pee pee and poo poo jokes, but forget about impeaching the fucken moran that lied to congress, that lied to the UN and that lied to the fucken citizens of this country about everything he has done in office.

\Fuck all the bible thumpers that think that their misguided beliefs are the only way. If I wanna hear FUCK or see some tits on Without a Trace I should be able to. Men are dying in Iraq for a phoney war and we cant hear the work Fuck on TV. You can in every other educated country in the world but not the US of A.

Lets make swear words a crime, but forget the fact that one of the craziest motherfuckers is days away from testing a missle that can reach the continental USA.

Hey, check this out. Im not a bible thumper and I dont belive in any god. I am happy that some thing is finally being done with all the crap we watch on TV and hear on the radio. Why you ask? How could Hawng belive that this is a good thing? My 12 year old step-daughter asked me about a song she heard on the radio. She wanted to know why the guy singing was saying " hey your crazy bitch, but you fuck so good Im on top of it".

When your daughter is out sucking off every dude in school at the age of 14 because she happened to see a stream of Throat Gaggers (courtasy of Winamp) and thinks thats what girls are supposed to do or she comes home pregnant, or is out doing drugs cause thats what she sees on TV and in movies.....well as long as you are going to pay for it, its cool, but if dumb shit like that makes my taxes go up cause all these little whores go and get knocked up or kids addicted to drug are robbing people. Who the fuck do you think pays for housing in jails and feeding these fucks? How about hospital bills for 14 and 15 year old who need prenatal care? We do you jackass.
So either you dont have a job where you dont pay taxes or your just to to young (aka STUPID) to understand.
Hawng said:

My 12 year old step-daughter asked me about a song she heard on the radio. She wanted to know why the guy singing was saying " hey your crazy bitch, but you fuck so good Im on top of it".

The parents are responsible for raising their children, not the government. If a parent doesn't want their child to see or hear things on TV, internet, or the radio, they have the option of not permitting the child to witness the offensive forms of Media. The purpose of the government is not to babysit the children of irresponsible parents.

HAWNG said:
When your daughter is out sucking off every dude in school at the age of 14 because she happened to see a stream of Throat Gaggers (courtasy of Winamp) and thinks thats what girls are supposed to do.

Ok, enough already--Don't tell me that you are another one of those hippie types, who have been brain-washed by the liberal feminist agenda. You guys are such wimps. Everybody knows that the purpose of women is to make dinner in the kitchen, and make babies in the bedroom. I've never heard of throat gaggers, but it sounds like they our teaching our girls how to grow up to be obedient wives. (sarcasm).
Hawng: Don´t be a prude, tell her like it is. That´s silly macho lyrics.

When I was 12 my english was just good enough to understand the 2 Live Crew lyrics and I never donkey-punched or assfucked a girl against her will. Guess Satan flunked on that one.
Arg_Hamster said:
Hawng: Don´t be a prude, tell her like it is. That´s silly macho lyrics.

When I was 12 my english was just good enough to understand the 2 Live Crew lyrics and I never donkey-punched or assfucked a girl against her will. Guess Satan flunked on that one.


LMFAO!!! So true!!!

I will raise my kids the way i see fit....I don't need a bunch of fucking bible thumpers telling me how to run my game.

Im not a religous person at all...i find it all to be a waste of time.
IAN442 said:

I will raise my kids the way i see fit....I don't need a bunch of fucking bible thumpers telling me how to run my game.

Im not a religous person at all...i find it all to be a waste of time.
As long as your paying for abortions and the cost to feed and house your kid while hes in jail, you can beat`em, molest them, make them watch gay porn for all I care. Im tired of paying for the degenerates and welfare fucks.
Hawng said:

Hey, check this out. Im not a bible thumper and I dont belive in any god. I am happy that some thing is finally being done with all the crap we watch on TV and hear on the radio. Why you ask? How could Hawng belive that this is a good thing? My 12 year old step-daughter asked me about a song she heard on the radio. She wanted to know why the guy singing was saying " hey your crazy bitch, but you fuck so good Im on top of it".

When your daughter is out sucking off every dude in school at the age of 14 because she happened to see a stream of Throat Gaggers (courtasy of Winamp) and thinks thats what girls are supposed to do or she comes home pregnant, or is out doing drugs cause thats what she sees on TV and in movies.....well as long as you are going to pay for it, its cool, but if dumb shit like that makes my taxes go up cause all these little whores go and get knocked up or kids addicted to drug are robbing people. Who the fuck do you think pays for housing in jails and feeding these fucks? How about hospital bills for 14 and 15 year old who need prenatal care? We do you jackass.
So either you dont have a job where you dont pay taxes or your just to to young (aka STUPID) to understand.

Dont blame society if you daughter grows up to be a slut.

Its probalby genetic.
Hell_Awaits said:
Dont blame society if you daughter grows up to be a slut.

Its probalby genetic.
She wont, because unlike half the retards who have kids in this world, because I care enough to do something about it.... Like supporting legislation that prohibits indecency on TV.
Hawng said:
She wont, because unlike half the retards who have kids in this world, because I care enough to do something about it.... Like supporting legislation that prohibits indecency on TV.

Who gets to define what is indecent and what is not?

Is "I'm the Man", by Anthrax or "So What" by Metallica indecent?

Are the images of naked women that Rob Zombie puts inside his album covers


Was Elvis being indecent when his shaking hips were censored from TV?

I thought that this form of attack from the government was halted when Dee

Snider and Frank Zappa bitch-slapped the PMRC, 20 years ago.

This law that Bush is passing is nothing less than pure totalitarian censorship.

Watch this clip.

It is Frank Zappa on a political talk show giving his opinion

on censorship. I must say that all fans of rock and roll music should agree

with him on the fact that Censorship is un-American.
So you decide what I want to watch, or what I want my children to see and hear. Thats the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. SOunds to me that you want the goverment to babysit your children because you cant do a good enough job.

If you dont like indecency on TV turn the channel, or block the channel its that simple. Restrict what you will allow you children to see and listen to. Become a real parent and quit getting the govermnet to babysit your children. If you cant manage what goes on in your own house, you have no right to have a child. Its that simple. See a great majority of people can raise their children to be fine upstanding contributing members of society, and require no help from the goverment.

Here is a post I found from you HAWNG

I turned 32 last may..........Let me tell you something about me, the town I grew up in upstate NY was population 452 as of 2000, Growing up in school I didnt see a Black person until about ninth grade..................My dad was racist, he was a C.O. at the lcounty jail. the jails capacity was 1000 inmates and 7/8th of the population was black ...................... I grew up in that shit, And you know what It got me ?....................A criminal record...........It made me homeless, and a drunk............Ive been there dude ..........

So when you got your criminal record guess who paid for all the man hours to arrest, book, house, feed, transport, and convict your criminal ass. WE DID JACKASS.

YOu say your STEP DAUGHTER came to you. Hmmmm maybe if your stepdaughters mom worked at her marriage she (your stepdaughter) might grow up in a normal household with out a criminal stepdaddy, and would not have to worry that she heard the word Fuck on TV. Clean your own backyard dude before you start trying to clean other peoples. Your a criminal that we all had to pay for. If any more bullshit came out of your mouth you could open a fertilizer business.

So as soon as you get your criminal record pardoned, and have a kid on your own (instead of raising someone elses)come talk then, because you have no say on raising kids because you have no kids. Your wife does, and the dude who fucked her 12 years ago does. You dont. Step kids are future porn actresses/criminals/meth heads anyways.

Hawng said:
She wont, because unlike half the retards who have kids in this world, because I care enough to do something about it.... Like supporting legislation that prohibits indecency on TV.
Arg_Hamster said:
Hawng: Don´t be a prude, tell her like it is. That´s silly macho lyrics.

When I was 12 my english was just good enough to understand the 2 Live Crew lyrics and I never donkey-punched or assfucked a girl against her will. Guess Satan flunked on that one.

what is a donkey-punch?
Dr.TEETH said:
what is a donkey-punch?

Doubt anyone really does that shit.

Hawng, I was picked on and bullied through school. Everytime I tried to fight back the bastard ran to the teachers, good conservative teachers with high moral standards. They told me to stop harrasing the other guy because digging shit up and doing something about it would give the school a bad rep. So much for their contact with reality. :loco:
sgt_d_rulez said:
So you decide what I want to watch, or what I want my children to see and hear. Thats the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. SOunds to me that you want the goverment to babysit your children because you cant do a good enough job.

If you dont like indecency on TV turn the channel, or block the channel its that simple. Restrict what you will allow you children to see and listen to. Become a real parent and quit getting the govermnet to babysit your children. If you cant manage what goes on in your own house, you have no right to have a child. Its that simple. See a great majority of people can raise their children to be fine upstanding contributing members of society, and require no help from the goverment.

Here is a post I found from you HAWNG

I turned 32 last may..........Let me tell you something about me, the town I grew up in upstate NY was population 452 as of 2000, Growing up in school I didnt see a Black person until about ninth grade..................My dad was racist, he was a C.O. at the lcounty jail. the jails capacity was 1000 inmates and 7/8th of the population was black ...................... I grew up in that shit, And you know what It got me ?....................A criminal record...........It made me homeless, and a drunk............Ive been there dude ..........

So when you got your criminal record guess who paid for all the man hours to arrest, book, house, feed, transport, and convict your criminal ass. WE DID JACKASS.

YOu say your STEP DAUGHTER came to you. Hmmmm maybe if your stepdaughters mom worked at her marriage she (your stepdaughter) might grow up in a normal household with out a criminal stepdaddy, and would not have to worry that she heard the word Fuck on TV. Clean your own backyard dude before you start trying to clean other peoples. Your a criminal that we all had to pay for. If any more bullshit came out of your mouth you could open a fertilizer business.

So as soon as you get your criminal record pardoned, and have a kid on your own (instead of raising someone elses)come talk then, because you have no say on raising kids because you have no kids. Your wife does, and the dude who fucked her 12 years ago does. You dont. Step kids are future porn actresses/criminals/meth heads anyways.
For someone who doesnt like to be told "what to do", you sure do have a lot of balls to tell me what I can and cant do.

I guess it makes you a big man to talk shit about a mans wife and kid. Dont worry dude I wont say anymore about taking your right to see two guys tounge kiss each other on TV away. Some day if you get lucky enough to have kids, and your son is out sucking dick for crack, hopefully you will remember this conversation when your wondering where you went wrong.

FYI my wifes late husband was killed by a drunk driver. I suppose you like drinking to eh?
Arg_Hamster said:
Hawng, I was picked on and bullied through school.
As was I, I didnt take it to well though. I took a chair and cracked a dude in the head got kicked out of school and picked up a assault charge in the process. I guess that makes me criminal who has no right to say anything about anything.
Hawng (Can I use OSH??)

Don't let that sack of shit get to you bro..He's just another keyboard commando who talks shit on the net because the beatings hurt too much in reality...Don't get mad at a useless loser like that..

You got to tell the child molesters story!! Dude should be beaten to death!!

Hawng said:
As was I, I didnt take it to well though. I took a chair and cracked a dude in the head got kicked out of school and picked up a assault charge in the process. I guess that makes me criminal who has no right to say anything about anything.