If TV execs are pushing sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, and you're offended by
it... turn off the tv, radio, or the internet.
It's as simple as that.
If S.O.D.'s "Speak English or Die" is to vulgar for your sensitive ears... don't buy the fucking album. Nobody is forcing you to listen to the devil's music, or to watch the devil's idiot box.
I too, am offended by alot of TV and music, not because it's vulgar....but because it's stupid. I am disappointed that so many American people are hypnotized by American Idol, and listen to all of the pre-fabricated pop music on the radio.
But I am not gonna demand that the government censor other people's speech,
...because that would be Un-American.
I understand that you want to raise your daughter right... My advice would be......Don't let her watch adult programs. Pull the plug on the idiot box, or only let her watch PBS, or something.
Be creative. Think for yourself. And stop trying to infringe on other people's rights by pushing your prudery on them.