EOS - Evolution worth picking up?


Faith Puppeteer
Sep 25, 2005
California, US
I'm likely going to be buying Nothing But Death Remains and Infernal shortly to try and round out my Edge Of Sanity collection, but I wanted to know if Evolution is also worth picking up. Is it just remixes, remasters and some covers? Or are there some original versions of songs from different albums thrown in there too? Is it something worth having as a part of my collection or is it a bit more superfluous? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Evolution is pretty much just an 'odds and sods' type of deal, and the only thing I ever listen to from it is the cover of Sator's 'I Wanna Go Home'. It does have some killer, very detailed liner notes by Dan, though, and is definitely worth having if you are trying to round out a collection.