
Good Luck on the exam Eos!!!!!!
DragonLady1 said:
they are not bad, I think Dimmu had just a bad light :( cause ur norther and hypo pics are really cool
Thanks!! :)
The thing is that the one I took at the Bounded By Metal tour had the same problem.. Even tho the lights were good the colours didn't get "clean". You can see like little grey "corns" in it :(.. I hope that I can do something about it because the Occult pics are really important.. Well, today we're visiting the "camera-doctor" *gg*
Everything's oki with the camera :). The problem is the film! Usually I'm using the Fuji Superia 800 but this time it was a Kodak Royal Supra 800. The camera recognized it as an 800asa film and took the pics like that. But obviously the film didn't reach those 800
. Well I surely won't use that film anymore
DragonLady1 said:
kodak sucks, I also used it once and the pics turned out really bad, I always used the Fuji after that, also a professional photographer told me to never use Kodak cause its really a shitty film....
Which really sucks is that some of those pics were really important for me
Since I'm on holidays and so have enough time I'll send those Kodak fuckers a nice email. I really wonder what they'll say