epic album that'll rip my face off?


Jun 28, 2009
something epic like celebration of guilt - arsis. but not too common because i've probably heard it. maybe in the blackened thrash/death metal genres, thanks
I would say things like Sad Wings of Destiny or Hell Awaits but you probably won't see the transcendental quality in them based on your post so I'll recommend....

Deathspell Omega - "Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum"
Esoteric - "The Maniacal Vale"
Saparmurat_Niyazov said:
It costs money to download from iTunes or Amazon. Just because op said he's downloading doesn't mean he's "stealing".

...and where did I say that he was? My post says he should buy them, not that he can't legally download them from Amazon, iTunes or any other legitimate sites.
paradise lost-gothic
mercyful fate-dont break the oath
possessed-7 churches
venom-black metal