"Epic" songs from non-epic albums/bands


From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
Aug 7, 2002
Stockholm, Sverige

As quite a few of you know I'm a big fan of "epic" qualities in my music, which I associate with among other things world building, escapism and feelings of grandeur. This is alot of what I'm looking for when listening to metal. "Epic" isn't a definite style and can vary very much from band to band and sub genre to sub genre but some of my favorites are Fates Warning - Awaken the Guardian, Graveland - Immortal Pride, Scald - Will of Gods is a Great Power, Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Summoning - Stronghold, Bathory - Hammerheart.

I've searched for music like this more and more lately and also realized that there are alot of hidden gems by bands that usually aren't very epic or on non-epic albums. So, that's what I'm asking about now! Because there surely are quite a few albums I've just let pass by because they don't pique my interest.

Iron Maiden and Dio (really, all the bands/projects he's been involved with) are perfect well known examples of this, on the more extreme side Deströyer 666 also fits.

This thread was inspired by Crusader by Saxon which is a really really great song (probably their best imo) complete with a perfect intro and all that, while the rest of the album is pretty much nonsene.

So any tips? :)
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This song from Bergtatt's debut "Røtter" immediately comes to my mind:

I'd classify most of their songs as folk metal/folk rock, whereas "Daudens klør" ("Death's Claws") is definitely a doom metal song (with a great guitar solo starting at 2:58). I'd say it's my favourite song on their debut and I wish they had done an entire album in this vein, though I also do like the stuff they "usually" play very much.

The second example which comes to my mind is the title track of Psychotic Waltz' second album "Into the Everflow" (it's also my favourite song on this album and my overall favourite song by Psychotic Waltz):

My third suggestion is "Oceana" from The 3rd and the Mortal's debut album "Tears Laid in Earth":

While the other songs on this album as well as on the preceding EP "Sorrow" are in a similar vein music-wise (though much shorter), I'm not sure if they fall under the "epic"-umbrella. Well, maybe "Grevinnens bønn", "Silently I surrender" and "Death-Hymn" do.

I hope my suggestions are at least heading in the direction of what you are looking for. I've got a few more, but they go in different musical directions and I'm not really sure if they do fit your idea of "epic".