Epica + Kamelot in IL 9/30- who's going?

sinerchris said:
let's hope some of these crappier venues on the Kamelot tour will not deter them from coming back in the future.

If Epica does come back, they will need to stick with the bigger markets such as NY, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Los Angeles where the crowds have been reported at or are anticipated to be upwards of 700-900 people. It's a shame that major cities such as Chicago and Minneapolis don't have enough metalheads (i.e. people buying tickets) to warrant having their shows at larger venues such as HOB or The Quest. Instead they play at small clubs that should be bulldozed, which is why you have never seen Kamelot on a North American tour until now (and it may be some time before it happens again depending on how many tickets they sell at the smaller markets/venues).

It should be interesting to see how Nightwish plans their next US tour, whenever it may be.
I know both shows in California (The Galaxy and The Key Club) are excellent venues so I'm sure they'll be pleased......
I'll be there.

Chicago has plenty of metal heads, the fans aren't the problem, its promotion and venues. If Sonata Arctica can fill the HOB then there isnt any reason that other bands cant pull decent crowds. When shows are booked at venues that are 40-60 minutes out of the city it hurts the turn out. If a show is in the city its easier for people to make it, expressways, trains, airports etc.. Since loosing the decent FM station we only have a record stores, Rebel Radio to promote shows, and local mags. I havent seen this months IE but is there at least a large add in it for the show?

There are a lot of problems with Chicago Metal Shows!!!! First off is advertising. If you dont pay attention to the internet and look for stuff, half the time you wont know a show is going on. In the old days you used to see flyers and stuff. Not anymore. Plus the clubs that are in the burbs are nice but way too far and most of the people in the city dont have cars so they are cut off from going. That is what really hurt Powerfest. I knew a few people who wanted to go but had no way of getting there. I cant wait to go to the show this saturday but dread coming back to the city to drive for an hour to find a place to park my car. That is a major turn off from going to suburban shows.

Secondly, like in most towns...promoters need to stop adding tons of local acts to open. I am going in late because I am totally sick of havng to sit through 3 or more bands. I think there is just 2 this time. By the time they get through boring me, I am tired for the bands I came to see. I know lots of people who get sick of this. Or worse having to cut the headliners set short due to opening acts playing to long. That happend at the Alehorn of Power Fest at Double Door last spring.

For any matter, if it is band I like....I will pretty much do anything to go so enough complaining I guess. I cant wait to see Epica.
Damnit, I can't go :waah:

It sucks that they can't play at a better venue. That's the reason I can't make it - transportation. If this show was at the HOB, a place I can easily take the train to, I'd be there in a heartbeat. I'm sure a lot of other Chicago burb people have the same problem.
dusro2 said:
This show should be at the HoB, or the Vic or something like that. Pisses me off...

The Vic is terrible. Please don't ever wish a show be at the Vic. Every show I've seen there, they put out some god awful sound where you can't hear the guitars, hardly hear the vocals, and get a big wall of blended noise with drums in the background.

The House of Blues, on the other hand, is most excellent. Epica/Kamelot should definately be playing there instead.

And oh yeah, The Michael will definately be at the Mokena show. Claire will be meeting me there, so I'm not going alone too!

Don't worry Yippee, I was still planning on holding hands with you during the ballads.

The Michael
Has the tollway to hell been finished since Powerfest? The tollway construction down there in April (and the pitiful few lanes available for cash tolls) was the biggest road construction clusterfuck I've ever seen - even for the FIBs. :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:

The whole tollway situation is another big negative on drawing crowds south of the city. It can literally take 1.5 hours to go 20 miles to get around or through downtown during rush hour. Whenever I go to a Chicago show (leaving from Wisconsin), I leave in the late morning and make sure I'm at the venue no later than 3 pm. Once 3 pm hits, all hell breaks looks and it's impossible to predict just what crazy shit will bring traffic to a grinding halt. All you know for sure is that something will.
OK, here's my promo effort to get people to go see Epica and Kamelot this Saturday...






Diabolik said:
Secondly, like in most towns...promoters need to stop adding tons of local acts to open. I am going in late because I am totally sick of havng to sit through 3 or more bands. I think there is just 2 this time. By the time they get through boring me, I am tired for the bands I came to see. I know lots of people who get sick of this. Or worse having to cut the headliners set short due to opening acts playing to long. That happend at the Alehorn of Power Fest at Double Door last spring.

Couldn't agree more.
Michael TEOF said:
The Vic is terrible. Please don't ever wish a show be at the Vic. Every show I've seen there, they put out some god awful sound where you can't hear the guitars, hardly hear the vocals, and get a big wall of blended noise with drums in the background.

The House of Blues, on the other hand, is most excellent. Epica/Kamelot should definately be playing there instead.

And oh yeah, The Michael will definately be at the Mokena show. Claire will be meeting me there, so I'm not going alone too!

I've been to plenty of shows at The Vic, and its a perfectly acceptable venue. In fact I was there last week for DF and the sound was fine. Comparing it or any other Chicago venue to HoB is pointless for obvious reasons.

And oh yeah, rockyracoon wonders why you talk in the 3rd person if you're name isnt Bob Dole.
I think the Vic is actually a pretty decent place, though you do have to secure a good spot for viewing.

Chicago is notorious for having bad local openers or local openers that simply are not a good fit (Grigori 3 playing Sonata Arctica for example).

I am curious to hear what the turn out is for this.

I simply don't get why some shows like Sonata Arctica are packed, when a show like HammerFall and Edguy is barely half-full.
Jasonic said:
I simply don't get why some shows like Sonata Arctica are packed, when a show like HammerFall and Edguy is barely half-full.

Hmm...methinks because for whatever reason...Finnish metal bands have a big "online" fanbase. Bands like Sonata, Bodom, Nightwish, the list goes on...a lot of them became widely popular because of the internet.

Why do Finnish bands get so much internet attention, where German acts get less? (basically Hammerfall is German metal played by Swedes, haha)
I have no idea why.
sinerchris said:
Why do Finnish bands get so much internet attention, where German acts get less? (basically Hammerfall is German metal played by Swedes, haha)
I have no idea why.

Not much love for Rage, Running Wild, Helloween, Dionysus, Metalium, etc....