Epica + Kamelot in IL 9/30- who's going?

skyrefuge said:
Because I'm not a troll!

I must admit that I jumped to the troll conclusion - you are not. Further review of your post history has been favorable and polite. You simply just came out of that show with a shitload of mostly negative things to say, feeling partly ripped off, and determined the need to write a 1,068 word essay on it over a lunch break and post it on multiple forums. You are certainly free to do that, but while you believe others may find the tone in which you write entertaining, I obviously did not. Like you said above, there wasn't a lot of class in it.

I really admire the hard work these bands have put into getting this far, not to mention traveling this far to play for their fans - so it's frustrating to me to see someone to post in the tone you did when you have absolutely no invested interest in either of these bands. Both of these bands have published or will be publishing the work I have done for them, so they've earned my respect in that regard as well. They are good people to work with.

Your review has legit comments and some applause, but your sarcasm and relentless jabs soured it for me. Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way, I don't know. But there was no way I was going to let such an exhaustive post from someone who admittedly doesn't post here often (and has never posted here about Kamelot or Epica) go without taking a pot-shot at you myself.

Given the professional manner in which you moderated the official Iced Earth forum for so many years, and how you've done your part to help move IE along over time (e.g. the only webmaster for the only official IE site), I was suprised to find out that it was you (Neil) who decided to craft your post in the manner you did. I would have expected something a bit more professional from someone representing a very professional band. It's ironic that Jon decided to scrap the IE forum from the official IE website because it was full of a bunch of opinionated crap about the band.

My flame was unwarranted and classless. :Puke: As they say, the first draft of a reply to criticism is often best unsent. Another lesson learned.
shreddy said:
Wow what a night. :rock:

The bar owner told us that there were 450 pre-sold tickets for the show. I dont know what the final numbers were but I take a guess at 600 tickets in total. Other than the distance of the venue I couldnt find a problem with it ($4 can of bud is a problem). The staff at the venue was completely pro, everyone worked their hardest to get the show going. They provided even us opening bands with water, beer and pizza (most places are not that generous).

We got on stage a few minutes before 7PM, our stage mix was a bit off I couldnt hear myself the main floor could hear the keys, better than the other way around. We played 4 songs and took a chance with playing an 11 minute song in 30 min set. Its kinda risky but we feel it worked out well, the crowd response was much larger / better than we expected. I'm sure that there were some that didn't like us, that's still cool we had a great time for it being our 2nd show. We had 200 demo Cd's to hand out and they went pretty fast. I think we were out by the time Kamelot played.

Epica was killer, of course their set at PP was better but regarding their set list I didn't have a problem with it. There were songs that I really wanted to hear that they didn't do but I still had a great time. Regarding the sex sells thing, I don't think its an issue for a 22 year old attractive (very insanely attractive) to look good on stage. We in the states are way more sexually repressed than the folk in Europe, then on the other hand its ok for Britney Spears to have convey the pedophile sexy school girl image in her videos. Simone stage attire is very tasteful and doesn't look as bad as video girls from the 80s metal videos. It was cool to see so many new fans for them at the show, Epica was new to a few people there and that was great.

Kamelot was killer, the band was super tight and they also had a killer set. No older songs but the newer material still went over very well IMO. Some of Khan's vocal dynamics are harder to translate live because he sings just like the CDs where on those there is more control on levels vs a live performance. When Simone came out to sing with them it was amazing, but they should of right away played the Epica song right afterwords, oh well. Its also good to see the number of younger fans out there with good taste in music.

Too band I cant see the show again in Minnesota.:rock:


You guys certainly rocked, good partying with you and the band at the hotel after the show as well.

The venue was great minus the beer prices (although 4 bux seems to be the norm these days). Security were also bitches, well one guy in particular who was a total dick to me when I went back in to make sure I was going to have a ride if I went to the party..the guy was cussing up a storm at me for this so I finally just ignored him, he called the head guy came up to me and I told him his dude was being a dick and the asshole security guy basically said "yeah cause he won't get the fuck out of my club"....if you want me to do something just talk to me like a damn human..christ.....the head guy was really cool and beyond that the club is excellent. Hope to see more shows there.

BTW, am I the only one that enjoys reading Neils reviews. They all seem very honest and bring an odd sense of humor to them. I think Neil cares more than his posts lead on if you've followed his history here and the PMX board. A little humor and sarcasm is always welcome by me in a world that is far to serious about things. Keep em coming man.