EQ plugin with large interface?


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
After demoing EQuick with its resizable interface I really don't want to go back to tiny little EQ windows (i.e. ReaEQ), but I also don't have $120 to spend on a single EQ plugin at the moment. Are there any other good options that have relatively large interfaces?

I also have an issue, which I believe is a 64-bit thing....where certain plugins (LePou, GClip, etc) open in a separate pop-up window, and I cannot hit SPACE BAR to play audio while the window is open, I have to click out of it, hit play, then open the window again. Certainly irritating. But then, I downloaded Slate Trigger Demo, and it doesnt do this at all. Do I need to use 32-bit plugs on my 64-bit machine in order to resolve this? (Sorry, don't mean to derail thread in anyway.)

But yes - it'd be fantastic if you could resize everything. Slate Essentials, for example, doesn't quite fit on my 17" screen properly, but it's just the tiniest bit that doesn't fit, making me have to scroll just a hair to get to the scroll bar on the mixer. Haven't tried Fullscreen though, maybe that's my problem there.
Yeah it'd be nice. I got the demo for apQualizer and it's a little larger than most EQs but still not even close to huge mode on EQuick. Maybe I'm asking too much; it's just really nice to be able to make precise cuts with more screen real estate.
I also have an issue, which I believe is a 64-bit thing....where certain plugins (LePou, GClip, etc) open in a separate pop-up window, and I cannot hit SPACE BAR to play audio while the window is open, I have to click out of it, hit play, then open the window again. Certainly irritating. But then, I downloaded Slate Trigger Demo, and it doesnt do this at all. Do I need to use 32-bit plugs on my 64-bit machine in order to resolve this? (Sorry, don't mean to derail thread in anyway.)

Logic? If so, that's an issue of not running 64-bit plugins on a 64-bit machine; the 32-bit plugins run via a bridge.
Logic? If so, that's an issue of not running 64-bit plugins on a 64-bit machine; the 32-bit plugins run via a bridge.


But it's a 64 bit version of Reaper, and all the stock plugins work fine. But most free ones I've downloaded open this extra window.
Yeah it'd be nice. I got the demo for apQualizer and it's a little larger than most EQs but still not even close to huge mode on EQuick. Maybe I'm asking too much; it's just really nice to be able to make precise cuts with more screen real estate.

Makes absolute 110% perfect sense.
Melda Production plug-ins are VERY clean sounding. If you're not looking for a colored EQ, definitely check their EQ's out. They are RESIZABLE (the only plugins I know that do this BTW) and very flexible workhorses.

Haven't tried EQuick, or anything from DMG Audio, but I've heard good things. Good luck brother
Nice, Melda plugins are indeed totally resizable. Also realized that Voxengo's EQs are as well, but Melda stuff is more wallet-friendly. Thanks for the suggestion!
Logic? If so, that's an issue of not running 64-bit plugins on a 64-bit machine; the 32-bit plugins run via a bridge.

Actually, I think you're right. I guess some of the plugs I have are not 64 bit. I was pretty certain they were. *facepalm*

But I just tried that ColourEQ and installed the 32 bit, which gave me the pop-up window, then tried 64 bit one and its fine. Not bad for a free plug!! Resizeable, but stays in perspective. Sorta wish you could horizontally stretch it.