ESSEN-concert October 29 - 2009


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2009
Hello fellow threshold fans,
due to very sad personal reasons I have to cancel trip to "Zeche Carl" in Essen Germany for Threshold´s gig in October (29th) there.

I had been happily waiting for this concert, so I am extremely sad about me not being able to go there.

As a consequence I would like to give away my ticket to another fan without any commercial background. The original price is/was 22,40 Euro - I would give it to a true fan for 16,00 Euro including regular postal service (German: "Porto").

My contact information is as follows:
Klaus-Peter Jansen

I would like to stress that I am no commercial dealer or whatever, just a fan who wants to support other fans of Threshold!
Thank you, have a great time,
Hello fellow Threshold fans,
Astrid wrote a very kind mail to me (which I have answered 2 minutes ago). I would be happy to get her my ticket.
Thank you everybody and enjoy the shows!
PS: ESSEN as a place for the ESSEN-ce of Progressive - what a fun that would have been, :)!
Hi there,
thank you (again) for your moral support! I´ll be there next tour - they are a MUST SEE!
At least the already bought ticket will be used by another threshholder, :)

Keep the spirit alive,