Essential PS3 games?

- Hard Rain

you mean heavy rain anssi? :D

Nope, he actually means a thrilling game based on the 1998 SMASH BLOCKBUSTER HIT:


MGS 4 is the best game of like the past 5 years

and this is coming from someone who hates cutscenes
kojima gets away with cutscenes and i hate the guy for it.
he should really just make movies or something because his "games" are more cutscene than game nowadays BUT HE STILL GETS AWAY WITH IT AND ITS AWESOMEEEEEE
But the gameplay has always been so cool throughout all the games too; even if the controls for all but MGS4 and MPO (and MGS3: Subsistence when they introduced full camera control) haven't always been perfect, there have been just so many "OMG!" memorable gameplay moments, especially in the boss battles :rock:
I recently got a ps3 for the netflix/blu Ray capabilities. But I was thinking it'd be fun to get a couple games to pass some time. I'm going to grab gta4 this afternoon but wanted to also get something I could play when friends are over. Any recommendations? I like most genres, just looking for a well designed game that won't get stale quickly for me and my buddies. Or, you know, any good game recommendations at all would be awesome... Thank you!
i have been playing MGS4, mgs 3 be damned, and its fucking amazing
raiden's balls dropped
hurr hurrr
I joined the ps3 club on january....I don't have much games yet, but brutal legend has been extremely funny :D
I hate to say I'm too old for modern games, it's too fast for my aching mind dammit! Dead space is really cool but so hard for me :(

Ghostbusters is really nice too,and I'll give FFXIII a go if I can :)
Agree with Gareth , MGS4 is a masterpiece. Uncharted 2 is almost even better, if that's even possible. Killzone 2 is OK , Tekken 6 is ok. Motorstorm Pacific Rift is cool, GOW Collection is a must. Ryu ga Gotoku (Like A Dragon) 3 is awesome , I imported it last summer. It will be coming here next month under the name Yakuza 3.
Ryu ga Gotoku (Like A Dragon) 3 is awesome , I imported it last summer. It will be coming here next month under the name Yakuza 3.

i LOVE games like this, but this one looks kinda shitty
the enemies seem to be very stupid, the fighting looks lame and repetitive :(
Pretty likely just sharper, but still with the same comparatively low-res textures, so I wouldn't expect much of an improvement - that said, I really wanna pick it up (the 2-pack), I've been delaying playing those games way too long (though I watched my roommates play 'em fairly extensively :D)

I have GOW Collection ,looks a good amount better in hi def , and it's just awesome to replay those games and get trophies. Also got my GOW 3 Ultimate Edition coming soon !:rock:
i LOVE games like this, but this one looks kinda shitty
the enemies seem to be very stupid, the fighting looks lame and repetitive :(

The fighting isn't anything amazing , but what is amazing is the story and also the almost perfect replication of Tokyo, Japan. I just love that city so much , it's so fucking cool