Eternal Soul Torture


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Admit it.. you LOVE it. This has to be one of the rawest songs I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying... I love that garage/toilet style recording quality and Mike's growls are FUCKING AMAZING... the crunch, the heavyness... the beauty... I would've preffered they have that recording quality on Deliverance, haha :p.

Thought, flames?
If it wasn't for the sound quality, I would listen to it every time after TBYF, instead of usually turning it off. But I still like it.
I finally found it on IRC. It's awesome so far. You're right about Mikael's growls - really fierce. The clean vocals sound a lot better when they're raw; like MAYH as opposed to BWP. The only real problem about the demo-esque quality of both Eternal Soul Torture and Into the Frost of Winter is the lack of bass. It's so accentuated on Orchid and Morningrise, but in those songs, it's nearly non-existant. Great listens, though.

[edit: minor grammar adjustment]
the song is ok (more or less)...has some good riffs....i love the inicial one that comes after the acoustics...

i think "into the frost of winter" is much better...

so, what i did...using CoolEdit 2000 i turned the two songs into only one, changing the order of some parts...i kind of create another song...i had just to delete a terrible riff in "eternal soul torture" and that's all...

the result for me is ok...

: o )
Originally posted by changso
Especially Nattens

ONLY Nattens!!!

Bergtatt's production was perfectly fine and there is nothing to complain about at all as far as Kveldssanger goes!

Their demo wasn't even too bad...