ethnic origins


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Another interest of mine lately has been finding out my REAL ethnic origins, not just the ones that my family always talks about. I've been doing some research lately and interrogating my grandmother and I've discovered some stuff I didn't know before. Apparently, I am all of the following: Greek, Spanish, Italian, French, Mexican, German. That's quite a clusterfuck. I guess my ancestors on my mother's side were southern European immigrants who came to Mexico in the 1800s and somehow acquired a shitload of land and basically owned a huge chunk of the state of Sonora for quite some time (we still got some land over there). My cousin told me one of our relatives was even the president of Mexico. I don't know if I can believe that one. My father is a beanerschnitzel.

What about you people? Is anybody here "pure"? Any aryans in the house? If you have an interesting family history then tell it (e.g. my father is in KMFDM or whatever).
I'm not sure if you are aware, but there are companies who specialize in breaking down your ethnicity by taking a saliva sample. I had a friend who did it and found out she (white chick) had alot of black ancestors from Africa (no joke).

As for as me though, I assume I'm just English dissent. Browning is a pretty English name ya?
Both of my parents come from Germany. They are almost pure German, but with tiny amounts of Austrian, French, and English mixed in. I guess even those living in Europe aren't 100% pure. I look pure German, though (blue eyes, high cheekbones, very defined jawline, etc.).
My dad's side are pure Hephthalites.. since I'm a Johal by surname, who are direct descendants. My mum comes from a family of Indo-Aryans, settled in the more western regions of the sub-continent..

Inter-class or inter-racial marriages weren't very common back in the day.. (they're Jatt and Khatri by class) that's why I'm a pretty rare combo of a product. :err:
Everyone on my mother's side is Russian. On my father's side: the father is Ukranian and the mother is Moldovan( and her mother is Romanian) That's as far as I've explored, really.
I was born in United States and still live here. My dad is from France. Making me 50% French. I am also a mixture Danish and German on my Moms side.
I genuinely have no idea. I know on my dad's side atleast his family tree goes back a few hundred years in the Netherlands so there's no immediate foreign influences there, and on my mum's side I have no idea whatsoever. My mom's father was Jewish, that is about all I know (he also died before I was born so I never got to talk to him).
Well, pretty much all of my ancestors who came to America came her from Ireland in the early 20th century. One of them, on my Mother's side, came from Germany.

As for interesting family history? Uh, not a whole lot that I know of. My Grandmother (on my Dad's side) would have gone to the Olympics as a swimmer, but because of WW2 it didn't happen. Also, my Dad was one of the first Intelligence Analysts trained by the Marine Corps. I'm not sure, but I think, up until the Gulf War, the Marine Corps had never had Intel. Analysts (they just had the Navy do it), but then it was required that they had to train some, so they picked ten guys to become analysts, and my Dad was among them.

As for as me though, I assume I'm just English dissent. Browning is a pretty English name ya?

Could be an Ellis Island name.