ethnic origins

My mother's side is Polish ancestry (her mother lived in Poland until WWII, and my grandfather was born in Israel but his whole family lived in Poland before), and from my father, his mother is Polish (don't know more than that) and his father is from Russia and he lived there until WWII.
Woa. How much eastern european jewish ancestry is there on this forum? This reminds me of where I live.
Ah. I didn't think you were being racist, anyways...but yes, we are very noticeable. Especially the black-hatters.
But it seems like a lot of the people on this forum have some Eastern European Jew in them.
On my mom's side, I think it's mostly Irish and Italian with some other miscellaneous European, but I really have no idea what the proportional presence of anything is.

On my dad's side, all I know is that I'm ¼ Scottish, because my grandmother is a Scottish immigrant. She and my grandfather met while he was stationed in Europe during WWII and then they ended up getting married and moving to the US, although I'm not sure in which order. Her family was extremely upset about it, because apparently she was supposed to get married to some other extremely wealthy Scottish dude and then she took off with an American soldier*, so they became estranged from her for quite some time. I think they eventually got over it and started talking to her again, but I really don't know. From what I know, they're a very wealthy clan and have some castles strewn about, but I've never googled to confirm this. It probably doesn't matter though, because I doubt that I'm an heir to any of it :lol:
Apparently, I am quite a clusterfuck.
Around here, we call people like this "Americans."

* EDIT - She got a taste of her own medicine when my dad was dating a girl from an extremely wealthy family, but dumped her for my mom. I hope being engaged to wealthy people is hereditery though, because I could use the money.
My friend is Scottish. There's a town in Scotland with the same name as him. And his family has a fucking coat of arms.
My friend is Scottish. There's a town in Scotland with the same name as him. And his family has a fucking coat of arms.
My name is inhereted from my grandfather, who was American and I have no idea what his ethnic origins are, unfortunately. We have my grandmother's family crest on display in our kitchen though, haha.

I only checked the first two pages of google image search for it, because I don't have the patience to search any longer with dial up, but this one is the closest so far.

Hah didn't even see this thread. Anyways my dad's side is basically 100% Italian, and my mom's side is mostly Italian with some Irish and German sprinkled in there.

Fun fact: my family was rich as hell before WW2 destroyed almost all of our hotels.

Fun fact #2: A lot of my family that still lives in Italy is involved with the mob, contributing to the trash crisis in Naples