ethnic origins

English, Spanish, Czechoslovakian, German, Native American (I'm thinking Incan), African (no idea what country but my great grandfather was black).
I'm pretty sure it's mostly Greek. I haven't seen my family on my dad's side for many years, so I was never able to find out much from them, but I talked with my dad while I was working on an ancestory project and there might be a trinkle of Czech in there, not sure.

We're gonna have to have this talk again sometime.
From our family research, I can get my dads line as far back as the norman invasion (!) (I remember being told as a kid that they were Normans, which really pissed me off, as I was a big saxon fan - and not in the denim and leather sense), though fairly early on for whatever reason they ended up in Scotland, siding with the English in the Jacobite rebellions (get in!)much later on before moving to London.

On my mums side, 4 generations ago both sides of her family are scottish, and from what I can gather they were scottish since records began. So there are loads of Jock genes running around in my body, probably contributing to my (very) fair skin, freckles and red hair. I can also stand the cold very, very easily, but otherwise I'm crappy in the sun - I burn as quickly as fuck.

My wife, by comparison, is from Polish stock - though to be more accurate her family are actually what would be now Lithuanian, though her family were moved about a lot by the communists post-war.

My first born sun is also ginger haired and fair skinned; my second son is blonde and fair skinned. I was suprised that both boys got blue eyes as my wife is brown eyed and I am blue eyed; she must carry the blue eyed gene as a recessive carrier I guess.

Mussolini, pwned by gravity.
I found out last Sunday that my grandmother's grandmother's father was a defected Russian soldier named Alexander Alexandrovitj Gerasimoff. I have all kinds of detailed info on the guy, apparently he and all his brothers and his father were all goldsmiths from St Petersburg. He used to brag about being from a rich family back in Russia, but in Sweden he died blind, deaf and poor.
Being of both Swedish and Russian blood it's strange that I dislike vodka so much.
I'm adopted, and so was my birth mom - fuck all of you with your "family history" :mad:

That said, if anyone wants to shoot me a couple grand for some haploid testing, well then I'm all for it.

My mom was adopted, so I don't know what my actual blood is from that side. My Grandma on that side was French though. And my Grandma on my Dad's side was pure French. I also think I'm a bit Irish, and Scottish.
Pretty much English through and through, funnily enough. They have lived in the colonies, but not actually for very long.
My mother was 100% Russian, and my dad is half Finnish, quarter Ukrainian and quarter Irish. Neither were born in America, and neither was I.

Why the hell haven't I seen a picture of you yet? I'm curious as to what this combo looks like!