Incest and Political Relations


Mr. Negativity
Jan 12, 2004
The West Coast
While combing his list of relations, which include Royals, such as Dukes, Earls, Barons, and even english kings, The Dope discovered that he is indeed the product of generations of incest. However, his powerful connections to those in power does not end with the blue-blooded nobility of the Ages past, but also to the most powerful position in all the land. Indeed, your assumptions are correct, if you guessed that The Dope is a cousin of the current President of the United States of America, George "Dubya" Bush. Expect nothing less from this example of the first families of Virginia. Not only did he starve my ancestors in Ireland, and subsist off of the labor of my endentured ancestors as they moved from Ireland and also, my African-American slave relatives, as well as killing off my Native American ancestors, his family even now owns all of us. And I let him mooch off of my tenth room pick in the sophomore class. FOR SHAME!
Such is the price we pay for delving too deep into our pasts I suppose; curiousity killed the cat, as it were. Not that I think any more highly of Mr. Bush now, but I won't really be able to make fun of him anymore without a little voice in the back of my mind pointing out my distant connection. I'm sure there are probably a lot of people descended from the Plantagenet line who were much less likeable than he anyway - I just don't know about them yet. And besides - cousin Strom is still my main man!

PS: 0sm0se is totally lying about the African/Indian thing. He is one of the whitest people I know. He's basing all that upon a few family rumours he heard that have no documented evidence to support them.
About the indian relations, definately based on rumour but who cares? It might just get me into med school. The African-American thing however, has a more solid base in time and genetics. My Irish relatives were endentured servants, working alongside slaves, meaning inevitably, one of them intermarried, producing my ancestor. Also, I have a genetic flaw producing a variant of sickle cell, which occurs in only 1% of white guys though is vastly more prevalent in folks of African-American descent.
And I should point out that it's really not all that uncommon. TONS of people in America and the UK can supposedly trace their lineage back to the same people and the same intermarriage.
Yeah, I read some foaming rant about how BUSH IS RELATED TO CHARLEMAGNE IN FACT 80% OF REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS HAVE BEEN WE LIVE IN A HEREDITARY MONARCHY a little while back. However, I'd also read virtually every Westerner alive today is descended from Charlemagne:

sooo I guess that's just more leftist wake-up-you-are-being-oppressed alarmism.
Yeah, I've read all that, too. And it's true that Bush has a connection to something in the neighbourhood of 15 other US presidents. And also if you go back far enough, almost all US presidents are descended from medieval royalty. Even Jefferson (a relative of mine through marriage), who has virtually no "modern" connection to any other president, can be connected through his royal ancestry. There's also a bunch of mumbo-jumbo that the presidential candidate who has the "most royal" bloodline always wins the election. Apparently there are some royal historians in Britain who have been using this sort of genealogical information to accurately predict the outcome of each presidential election for the last 200 years, although this sounds like total crap to me.
It's not "always", I think, but yeah, I've heard that you can "more often than not" predict the elections based on royal blood. Somehow, they said that Clinton (he of the Arkansas trailer-trash) had more royal blood than Dole?
I think that from what I've read, Bush pretty much has the edge on almost everyone in that area. Apparently both George the Elder and Barb are both heavy on the royal descent, so he gets it from both sides.