Your family history

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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Well this is my first thread that actually has some kind of value. So you better fucking post :D.

The basic point of this thread is obviously to give your family history.

My grand father on my mothers side was named Orlando Fosco, he was from a small village in Abruzzi named Pizzone. His wife, my grandmother, was from Warsaw in poland. Her maiden name was Cudcilo. So my mother is half Italian and half Polish.

My grand father on my fathers side is named Lyle Caines. He was born in Washington state and his parents were British, Irish, Swedish, Dutch, German,etc,etc. My grand mother was from Florence, her maiden name was Galiganni. So my father is half Italian and half abunch of things.

Which brings me to 50% Italian, 25% Polish, and 25% abunch of confusing crap :p :).


I'm posting because you asked me to. I think this has the potential to be a great thread.

Unfortunately I don't know much about my family history. No one ever talks about it, even though I've asked on numerous occasions.

Ok, I'm gonna post, but I know no-one's gonna believe me ;)

My mothers ancestors were some of the first people sent to Australia, her great-great (somthing) grandfather being a poacher and horse thief, her great-great (etc) grandmother stealing a cloak in the winter. They were of Irish descent.

My fathers side is a little more interesting. Way back in history, the ancestors on his mothers side were of the French Richeleiu family. Yes, Cardinal Richeleiu, supporter and confidante to Louis XIII. His fathers side were Scottish Highland nobility of the Gunn clan (we still have the coat of arms lying around the house), who were exiled and stripped of their rank for supporting Bonnie Prince Charlie in the English civil wars. The members of the Gunn clan fled to France, where they gained some wealth and title. With the French Revolution 1789, both sets escaped back to England, where the Gunns changed their family name to Farrand (derived from 'farrier', he of the horse). So, combination Irish, Australian, English, Scottish and French, with a little Romanian did that last one get there? Aaaaaah, well, thats a story ;)
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:lol: Alright then, if you insist.

I think it was my great grandfather on my fathers side who became involved with a Romanian Gypsy during his travels around Europe, it was one of those 'foolish young love' deals. The match was forbidden both by his parents and by her family, as they were traditionalist Gypsies (not modern day thieves, but the old fortune tellers, players and musicians, if you believe as such). Long story short, she became pregnant. Her family told her she was not permitted to keep the child, as it was not of true Romanian blood (stupid purists). When the child was born, the father took it and raised it as his own and eventually remarried. The child had hair as dark as night and bright green eyes, a rarity in my family.
Come to present day family, and every member has sandy to light brown/blonde hair and grey eyes. Me? I'm black haired and bright-green eyed and quite pale. Only one in three generations.

There endeth the tale :lol:
I'll respond to this as it's created by the wonderful Nick. :D

My family is from Hong Kong and China originally where there's a mix of ethnic groups, so I'll give a breakdown of my ancestry.

On my father's side, my late grandfather was from the Taishan region of China (the south) and was of Han descent (one of of the largest ethnic groups in Hong Kong and China). My grandmother is Hakka, a mixed minority group in the Taishan region who were originally from Northern China.

My mother's side: they were from the Taishan region of China. Don't know much else about the blood ancestry on this side of the family, I can only guess...

I do know they used to be well off, as my grandmother told my mom about living in a nice house and having servants, but the money didn't last (I presume a result of the Depression). When conditions got very bad in China (when my mom was a child), they immigrated to Hong Kong.

That's a short version of my family history... there's more, but this is all you need to know. ;)

@D_J: Your family history is amazing. Be proud your family are a part of history... and that you're of noble blood. :D
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I don't know much about my mother's side of my family. My grandfather came from East Anglia, and is probably a descendant of danish vikings (tho mixed in with Anglo-Saxon blood as well). He was once boxing champion of his regiment of the marines.
My grandmother on that side comes from up north, and from what I've heard, a bit of gypsy is in there somewhere... but in the country way of things, no one is really sure... ;)

My father's side is more interesting. On his father's side, we're english gentry stretching back to the time of the conquest (we think), generally providing one a generation for the church and one for the navy. On my grandmother's side, we're related to more gentry - one fairly ordinary except for involvement in brewing, a group of nottinghamshire coal merchants, that later became gentry as well - owning most of the Isle of Wight, holding state posts and the like - and a set who were descended from french hugenouts, in their turn descended from some french medieval king. I can't be bothered to look up which... a family which has produced some interesting nuts anyway.
Everyone's family history is awesome. :)

Mine's pretty boring. On my father's side, his grandmother was Austrian and grandfather, Romanian. And I think his other set of grandparents were just a bunch of Ukrainians or something.

Then with my mother's side, one of her grandmother's was German and the other one was Austrian. And as for the grandfathers, I'm pretty sure they were both Ukrainian too.

I really can't elaborate any further because all my dad ever talks about is our supposed proud Ukrainian heritage. But personally, all the Ukies over here are a bunch of lazyasses. I'm more proud to have German and Austrian in me.

Oh yeah, and I think I'm a fifth generation Canadian here.
mousewings said:

My grandmother is Hakka, a mixed minority group in the Taishan region who were originally from Northern China.


Cool, my parents are of Hakka descent, but of north western Taiwan.
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100% greek, from various greek places, including 3 of the most heroic during wars and such (not that you'd know where they are even if i mentioned them).
Half of my grandparents were kicked out of Minor Asia from the Turks in the early 20th century, lost most of their belongings that way i think.

edit: removed some stuff
Btw, i just found out my grandfather's brother will be in some kind of monument/memorial/whatever (along with some others from the local community), for fighting in the 1922's war in Minor Asia and never coming back.
From what I know, my family on my father's side (actually his mother's, to be more precise) were soldiers in the beginning (the men, that is) and then, as sweden hasn't been in any wars for some time, they eventually turned to farming... they've mostly been poor. One of my ancestors narrowly escaped being shot by the russians on the oldest wooden bridge in sweden, found here in skellefteå, during the war in the beginning of the 19th century. Yay.

On my mother's side, there's a bit of everything... you have the wealthy priests and such back in the late 1500's, one of them was something like the official court chaplain (hmmm......?) at Gustav Vasa's court (swedish king, btw, if you didn't know) among other things... I think they continued to be quite well off, but they too switched to farming, so I hail from a long line of northern swedish farmers, sweet. Also, some other part of the family apparently came to sweden from france around the time of the revolution, or along with Bernadotte when they decided to make him king of this place... My grandfather was also partly russian, either ½ or 1/4.

My family itself (= those I'm related to by blood) isn't very interesting, but they tend to marry people who are... like my great grandfather's second wife, who is the illegitimate daughter of one of two brothers who owned a cinema in helsinki, finland, back in the beginning of the last century... :p actually, she's interesting because of other things than that, but that's a long story.
My family history wont interest enyone.
My Gand father of my fathers side, came to Finland from Estonia and my mothers ancestry is originally from Finland. I didnt even get a chance to meet my fathers father or fathers mother. And i didnt see my gand father of my mothers side either. So...i dont know much about my familys history. Perhaps that is all...
(I apologize typos)
FinTroll said:
My family history wont interest enyone.
You telepathic? :eek: (You would know that, becaussse? Btw, why bother telling when youre so sure it wont interest anyone? And yes, it was interesting, because we're talking about family histories and that was one. Right?)(I sound a bit agressive, but no offence)
Listen to Incendiare! She knows best!
Incendiare said:
Everyone's family history is awesome. :)
Incendiare said:
Mine's pretty boring.
:-| :Smug: :rolleyes:

My family history: Errrrrrm I dunno, Dutch people and so. Shouldve been rich, but wasn't, cos they had an awfull lot of kids, like 13 kids per something.

BUut I still believe that, back, back, way back to my roots, I am Malcolm! Harrr!