What is your opinion about smoking (tobacco)?

Yes but smokers will die younger, wouldnt you rather have a longer life than breathe in horrible gases and die not being able to breathe?
People also eat horrible food that kills them slowly but surely. This is a situation where you pick your poison(or more than one). My great grandfather smoked since he was 12 years old, and he lived to be 89, still kicking and cursing. Life is a slow disease that only has one outcome, you die. Government control of substances is understandable in some cases, but telling people they can't roll up some leaves and set fire to them if they want is a little over the top in my opinion.
Norsemaiden said:
A glass of wine a day is very good for you. Red wine in particular contains anti-oxidants and is good for the heart, as long as it is not drunk to excess. Statistics show that moderate drinkers live longer than those who don't drink alcolhol. No amount of cigarrettes is good for you and it makes you age prematurely and get a saggy arse, as well as breath like an ashtray. How can the pleasure of the cigarette outweight the disadvantages like that?

lol, well I can't ban red wine, my ass doesn't sag and I brush my teeth three times a day, then I have my little mint strips.. and my white strips, and well yeah so that says I don't have a breath like an ashray, andddddd..... well, I'll keep the red wine in mind for when I turn 19. =P

Seriously though.. I don't have a saggy ass. lmao.
i smoke about once every two months whenever i drink a few beers here and there. it just goes with the beer really well. but for the most part im a health nut and i stay away from it. my grampa smokes 5 packs a day. thats a fuckload of cigarettes. hes about seventy and shorter than me but he could still probably run a marathon and then stop to kick my ass half way through and im a pretty tall guy. he has white lung from asbestos though. he doesnt seem affected. im not saying that smoking is harmless, but i think if your in great health it wont hurt you much at all.
I'm sick of smoking, but I dont have the willpower to stop cold turkey. Ive been slowly reading Allen Carr's book and its helping change my mindset. The fact that my partner hates smoking helps me too, my habits are slowly shifting for the better now.

I hate smelling of it, I hate having to brush my teeth all the time. I hate that I can feel what its doing to me and that I worry constantly about each one I have.

I hope I can pull this off and stop.

Jane, everything you've written here I agree with 100%. While some people may argue with what youve said, its people with your attitude that are going to help me to stop.
I've come to a realization a few minutes ago, but they mostly apply to America. I'm actually against anti smoking laws, for 2 reasons:

1. Tobacco is too valuable of a product for the American government to simply stop selling in America. All the taxes and stuff that the companies have to pay to the government is such a huge amount, that to stop, would slow down our economy by ALOT.

2. Smoking is a matter of choice. If a person chooses to smoke, then good for them. They're embracing their Right as an American to be able to choose what they want to do. If they wanna have a cigarette or two after a really stressful day at work, then go right ahead. As long as you know that you're giving yourself Lung Cancer, and still choose to smoke. It's your right as an American citizen to smoke.

The only thing that I'm against with smoking is any propaganda having to do with smoking. Everything from those TRUTH commercials, to Joe Camel. I'm against that kind of stuff. I mean, it's ok to have a Newport add in a magazine showing a bunch of people having a kickin' time, but the cartoons have got to stop. It's the equivalent to Pro-Lifers making a cartoon character named Joe Fetus to brainwash kids into being Pro-Life. But I digress from the main idea.

Anyway, my point is that Smoking is important to America. For economic reasons, and because it's an example of how we are free. Free to choose if we want to sacrifice some of our years so we can take our present days with ease, or not.
Agreed, and unfortunately, I think this also relates to the international illegal drug market as well.

Imagine that market, along with the tobacco market, vanishing. It would be economic Armageddon x10.
Ptah Khnemu said:
. As long as you know that you're giving yourself Lung Cancer, and still choose to smoke. It's your right as an American citizen to smoke.

The only thing that I'm against with smoking is any propaganda having to do with smoking. Everything from those TRUTH commercials, to Joe Camel. I'm against that kind of stuff. I mean, it's ok to have a Newport add in a magazine showing a bunch of people having a kickin' time, but the cartoons have got to stop. It's the equivalent to Pro-Lifers making a cartoon character named Joe Fetus to brainwash kids into being Pro-Life. But I digress from the main idea.

You know you're only increasing the probabilty of lung cancer, not making it inevitable:Smokin: :)
So to you guys Money > Life? You have money and freedom higher then health and life in your "values list" ?
Ptah Khnemu said:
2. Smoking is a matter of choice. If a person chooses to smoke, then good for them. They're embracing their Right as an American to be able to choose what they want to do. If they wanna have a cigarette or two after a really stressful day at work, then go right ahead. As long as you know that you're giving yourself Lung Cancer, and still choose to smoke. It's your right as an American citizen to smoke.

I can't agree with that. Your freedom stops where mine begins. If I don't want to smoke, you have no rights to come near me and make me smoke second hand smoke agains't my will (in a restaurant, at work, etc...)

Also it might not be the case in the USA, but in Canada we have a public health care, which means my tax pays for you when you are sick. So if I have to pay for your health, I feel you should at least not get sick on purpose by smoking, therefore a non smoking law is the logical next step.

Economic reasons? I don't care if rich people don't get as much money they use to in the process. It brings no tears to my eyes...
No, what I meant is that people can kill themselnes if they want to, but as long as it doesn't effect anyone else, it's all fine and good.
I think smoking is banned in most bars and public places anyways these days so thats not a real big issue. Plus, it isn't like anyone is forcing you to stay there.

Plus ciggerate is great after unprotected sex with multiple partners

-dave chappell
infoterror said:
Incidentally, Adolf Hitler tried -- and it almost cost him his Fuehrer-ship. He detested tobacco and considered the starting point of his success the ending of that vile habit.

I'm sure his meth addiction was "cleaner" than the filthy habit of smoking tobacco. :goggly:
Norsemaiden said:
The child brought up in a smoking household associates the smell of smoke with love and comfort (if their parents were otherwise caring) and feels a need for this even as an adult.
well...my parents being heavy smokers...this is so totally not true, and I wonder how you come up with that theory.

I've never ever smoked plus I don't feel the need to cloud myself in other people's smoke...thats hilarious
Smoking is absolutely fine, as long as the smoker takes into consideration the opinions of those around him. I'm not a smoker but I don't mind having smokers around me, as long as they're not rude or in my face about it.