
dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so, even though most social normals and acceptable practices are pretty much null and void with the people here ... how does a girl appear to a guy if they strike up a conversation about horror movies one night in, let's just say ... the music store she works in when he asks her where the horror movie are and after 5 or 10 minutes of talking, she winds up giving him her phone number?


psycho ax murderer who'll chop him up and bury him beneath her floorboards with all the others

but, it's always that chance us guys have gotta take
Chromatose said:


psycho ax murderer who'll chop him up and bury him beneath her floorboards with all the others

but, it's always that chance us guys will take


If you guys had solid conversation then I'd say you probably appeared pretty cool to him - did he ask for it or did you give it unsolicited?
dreaming neon darkspot said:
unsolicited? haha, that just makes me sound sluttier...

Who are we trying to please here, Ha!
I've always gone by the motto of "ass beats class"...I MAY have to re-read the thread ;b
hahaha Frets, unsolicited penis

I dont think its slutty at all Darkspot. When you hit it off, you hit it off, theres nothing wrong with wanting to get to know someone better when you do hit it off.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
so, even though most social normals and acceptable practices are pretty much null and void with the people here ... how does a girl appear to a guy if they strike up a conversation about horror movies one night in, let's just say ... the music store she works in when he asks her where the horror movie are and after 5 or 10 minutes of talking, she winds up giving him her phone number?

OK, I got it now...WHO THE F CARES. If you like dude, all is fair in moving forward. Actually, I'm a bit slow in picking up those things that I'd like the gal
to point and say to me "hey! there with the's my number" Ha!!!
NinjaKitten said:
hahaha Frets, unsolicited penis

I find that's the best kind.

I dont think its slutty at all Darkspot. When you hit it off, you hit it off, theres nothing wrong with wanting to get to know someone better when you do hit it off.

Word - nothing wrong with being clear in communicating your intentions. Although as I said earlier to you Laura, sometimes guys want most what they think they can't have.
I think it is pretty cool actually.

One of the best ( and worst ) relationships I ever had started shortly after,and I don't know why, I mentioned Watchtower and she said " holy crap, that is a great band. Control and Resistance is one of my favorite CDs "

it was all downhill from there . HA HA :lol:
do we need to know on this board, for kris sakes!!!!

Chromatose said:


psycho ax murderer who'll chop him up and bury him beneath her floorboards with all the others

but, it's always that chance us guys have gotta take

"That kid's head's like Sputnik. Spherical but quite pointy in parts. Oh, that was a harsh one, wasn't it? He'll be cryin himself to sleep tonite on his huge pilla'."
Nightshade said:
Guys think it's cool when girls stick their necks out some of the time. It's only slutty if you actually flash him.


haha, yeah :)
Laura, I think its awesome that you took the guts, and gave the guy your
phone number! I never have the guts to do it... I swear, so good for you :)
Let us know whats going on and if he called :)

btw, horror movies are awesome. :cool:
Yay, to this thread.

I wish more girls had the confidence and (metaphorical) balls to give their phone numbers out.

But not to James, obviously. 'Cause that'd just be asking for a bad date followed by his feeling you up and asking you to dress up like Kai Hansen.
I have always thought it is quite nice when a woman takes inititive and goes for what she wants.

It goes back to the ridiculas double standard, if a guy goes out and has sex he is a stud, if a woman does the same she is a slut. Go figure.