
Dead_Lioness said:
haha, yeah :)
Laura, I think its awesome that you took the guts, and gave the guy your
phone number! I never have the guts to do it... I swear, so good for you :)
Let us know whats going on and if he called :)

btw, horror movies are awesome. :cool:
hehe, thanks. i figure if my forwardness (since i'm never "forward" like that with people) is what turned this guy off to me ... at least i gained some form of confidence through it. or something.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
now if it was Gunnar Hansen, we might be able to work something out...

what the hell would dressing up like Kai Hansen involve?

I wouldn't go with Gunnar Hansen either, now maybe The girl from Return of the Living Dead 3 or even possibly The Cenobite chick from Hellraiser....
DreamNeonBlack said:
what the hell would dressing up like Kai Hansen involve?

I wouldn't go with Gunnar Hansen either, now maybe The girl from Return of the Living Dead 3 or even possibly The Cenobite chick from Hellraiser....
one of my managers is like the uber-geek and he will go off talking about this Star Trek-themed house he wants to build (we've had to work together the whole day for pretty much every Sunday since Memorial Day, and a few nights every week, so i get to hear about the Trek House ... and Final Fantasy and ECW wrestling and pretty much every other inane little fact he can pull out of his brain ... of course he'll ramble about it mainly because he knows how much it annoys me). So he's going off on this long spiel about how the Trek-house will be set up and how it'll differ and be the same to the different Star Trek incarnations and on and on and when he's done, i just say, "I want to be a Cenobite."

actually, after i gave the guy my number was when we started talking about the Horror cons and Clive Barker and whatnot, and he mentioned how much he loves Hellraiser, so then you have me and him standing at the register on a busy Saturday night in the middle of possibly the biggest store in the mall that's not a department store going on enthusiastically about our love for "how Clive Barker can make terrible things seem so amazing". Sample dialogue:

me: "Yeah, and the scene where you see Frank's body parts like ... reforming from Rory's blood ... it's so beautiful!"
him: "Right! And the scene at the end where Frank gets his flesh ripped off by the hooks ... and the 'Jesus wept' line..."

... my boss wasn't really happy about that.
DreamNeonBlack said:
what the hell would dressing up like Kai Hansen involve?

I dunno, but you can just TELL that when James has some women in a very unhappy marriage, he'll make her live in the basement and call him Kai during the act.
man as robot said:
"That kid's head's like Sputnik. Spherical but quite pointy in parts. Oh, that was a harsh one, wasn't it? He'll be cryin himself to sleep tonite on his huge pilla'."


oh how I hated the Colonel! With his wee beady eyes and smug look on his face!
Souls of Black said:
I have always thought it is quite nice when a woman takes inititive and goes for what she wants.

It goes back to the ridiculas double standard, if a guy goes out and has sex he is a stud, if a woman does the same she is a slut. Go figure.

YEH thats true! the part i have underlined is me through and through! im incredibly open and say what i feel. not scared of approaching guys

Tee said:
see? how futil and innocent phone numbers are :D


Well, why offer phone number when you can just head straight for his zipper? I know girls like that whole intermediary stage of getting to know each other, but us guys don't dig that. :p
derek said:

Well, why offer phone number when you can just head straight for his zipper? I know girls like that whole intermediary stage of getting to know each other, but us guys don't dig that. :p

I'd skip both the phone number and obligatory the zipper. *shrugs*
on the scale from 1-10 (bad to best) of spontaneous zipper checkers I'd be valuated as 1. :loco:

hope someone gives you a more exciting comment. :D
Pyrus said:
Woman! Whooooah, man...she was a thief, you gotta believe me - she stole my heart! And my cat!

WOMAN! whooooooooaaaaaaa man, We had love not just sex, is she Mrs. X?
I had to run for my life.....Jane get me off of this crazy thing,............
called love.
DreamNeonBlack said:
WOMAN! whooooooooaaaaaaa man, We had love not just sex, is she Mrs. X?
I had to run for my life.....Jane get me off of this crazy thing,............
called love.

Harriet. Harry-ette. Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis. Beautiful, bemused, bellicose butcher. Un-trust... ing. Un-know... ing. Un-love... ed? "He wants you back," he screamed into the night air like a firefighter going to a window that has no fire... except the passion of his heart. I am lonely. It's really hard. This poem... sucks.