Eucharist - A Velvet Creation

I'll go with EoS and Hypocrisy, but later Sentenced was just too whingy (oh woe is me shit) so that always put me off. But yeah, I'll look into it.

Neither Eucharist albums are rare anymore if you're happy with a re-release and sloppy seconds.
Taneli Jarva (early) era Sentenced is much darker, harder, better, more metal, than all that gothic rock bullshit with that new singer. North From Here is very dark, semi-doomy and pretty damn technical. Oh, and none of that whiny bullshit. Amok and everything before it has Heavy Metal balls of steel.

I have the Velvet Creation re-release because I can't afford $30 for something I can get for $10.
I don't particularly give a rat's ass if the genre is overdone; when you put out the topmost album in the genre, who really cares?

Power/True metal has been done to death, it doesn't mean I don't love my Iron Maiden albums.

Catch the analogy? ;)
No way. Mirrorworlds is overrated just because it's rare. Velvet is better!

I agree, but I think it's because Mirrorworlds lacks in riffs and songwritting. They are nowhere near the great riffs of Velvet. Tremolo picked melodies in death metal ftw!
A review of this album by me:

Eucharist is a Swedish death metal band that knows exactly how to use melody from heavy metal and weave it into death metal. This so many times in melodic death metal bands run into tedious songwriting and riffs that are uninspired; a perfect example of this is post Alf At the Gates. When thinking about the Swedes and their melodies the listener expects sweeping melodies, and in this album that’s exactly what the listener is presented with. Each song has a melody that Eucharist keeps through many riffs, like many previous thrash bands (Slayer for example).

So what distinguishes Eucharist from its peers is this hard to do genre? Well it’s the fucking riffs and putting them together in a way that isn’t tedious. Eucharist has load and loads of riffs in this album, yet they also keep a emotion in them. Not ever do they linger on a catchy riff just for the catchiness of it; every riff flows into the next for a hypnotic headbanging greatness. Eucharist also uses a lot of harmonies throughout the album, and they are weaved in and out of the tremolo picked riffs. These subtleties shine through with multiple listens, because they aren’t banking on in your face hooks; although, the tremolo picked riffs kick your face in at the start, the songwriting lulls you into the song by making those tremolo picked riffs hypnotic. What makes the riffs so hypnotic is the drumming because it’s simplistic and rarely deviates from the standard old school death metal beat or blast beat. They use the drumming counter to what the riffs are doing, an example of this is the blast beats over slow riffs and the slow beat over a fast tremolo picked riff.

Although this album is fucking solid, hypnotic, and riffy all the way through it lacks in substance and atmosphere to put it as one of the greats in the genre. The lyrics are standard old school death metal, and the atmosphere is of the standard evilness in old school death metal; however, the riffs and brilliant songwriting make it a phenomenal release. Highly recommended for those people into old school death metal.
No way. Mirrorworlds is overrated just because it's rare. Velvet is better!
Is Mirrorworlds rare? I bought it and two other (sucky, only bought the lot for Mirrorworlds) albums for ~$3 + shipping a month or so ago. : d

I agree though that A Velvet Creation slays Mirrorworlds. Still a fine album.

My favourite melodic death metal album is probably The Red in the Sky is Ours. It is just perfect.
I think I prefer MirrorWorlds over VC. I didn't nod my head once while listening to VC this morning, then bam Mirrorworlds takes the stage and I'm fucking noodle dancing a negar jog. :kickass:
I agree, but I think it's because Mirrorworlds lacks in riffs and songwritting.

The songwriting is vastly superior in Mirrorworlds. Songs such as Fallen, With the Sun, and The Eucharist have a nice fancy build up. They begin at Point A and end up at point C. Not taking anything away from VC, which is a class piece of metal, but the songs tend to take an A to B back to A route. No real build up, just kick ass riffs interwoven with each other to make a song. :)
Yeah, now that Jerry is here to protect me, I'll throw in my lot with 'Mirrorworlds' too. I downloaded VC a year or two ago and listened to it a few times but it never made any impression. So due to this thread, I threw it on one last time, but no, still nothing. It came went went without me hardly noticing. Well, I couldn't help noticing how dreadfully amateur the production was, but that's not a good thing to be remembered by.

The songwriting is vastly superior in Mirrorworlds. Songs such as Fallen, With the Sun, and The Eucharist have a nice fancy build up. They begin at Point A and end up at point C. Not taking anything away from VC, which is a class piece of metal, but the songs tend to take an A to B back to A route. No real build up, just kick ass riffs interwoven with each other to make a song. :)

I guess this is were we disagree, because I thinking a song that goes from A to B to C then ends lacks closure to the song. What makes AVC so great is the ability to keep the interwoven riffs to make a hypnotic atmosphere. That's what I think is the huge problem with a lot of death metal, they go from riff to riff to riff then end; however, the circular songs like AVC hold their structure, atmosphere, and create something outside of the riffs. Mirrorworlds to me was just a bunch of riffs (great riffs mind you) for no apparent reason, hence tedious.
I think England is affecting your diction, bro, you might want to get that looked at.

Awaiting the sweetest release - deliverance.
From my heart the rain of rebirth flows free,
as the night finally welcomes me
through the void where time ends...I soar...afar.

:kickass: Headbangs furiously!!!
The segue from In Nakedness in to Bloodred Stars makes me want to fucking kill!!!

And I am watching my hands art performance
I calmly leave my body behind,
through a cold, gloomy mist
I am floating into the land of

Best Melodic DM album Ever!! :notworthy
AVC is one album where the re-release adds to the album, as oppose to shitting all over it with needless live tracks, and bonus cuntery.

Wounded and Alone is with out a doubt my favorite Eucharist track. The Predictable End serves as a more proper closer to this riffgasm than Once My Eye Moved Mountains. To make a long story short, this album is kicking a corn straight through my urethra.

What year were these two tracks recorded? They don't appear on any of their demos.
ive been replaying a bunch of these albums. VC is definitely up there. Im trying with TRITSIO. i like it, but its a hard listen. Skydancer is DTs best and probably the peak of the genre for me. I tried Lunar Strain, didnt do much for me nowadays.

Dawn and Sacramentum are superb