Europe and Adler next week

Not seeing either of those here mate but Sepultura / Death Angel this Wed night!!!
Anyone who hasn't heard Wings of Tomorrow the whole album is on youtube, check it out it's a very raw rock record I love the vibe of it. Not as polished as the multiplatinum ones, just like Tesla's and Def Leppard's debuts which are amazing.
What sort of venues are Europe playing down here? (I suppose I could look it up but I'm lazy)
I waited for ages for the Final Countdown 30th Anniversary - Live At The Roundhouse DVD to come out then when it did I watched it once before giving it away. Maybe I'm too nostalgic with some bands but Europe don't cut it for me any more.

The videos of Adler I have seen recently aren't too bad, I'm not sold on the singer but the band appear fairly tight and Adler can still hit the skins.
plating theatre style,sydney holds 3000,i know some of the shows haven't sold that well because had half price offers everywhere except sydney show,i was gonna wait but didn't wanna risk it,in regards to adler,the singer has been ill,hopefully he recovers better for the sydney show next sat night,been really positive reviews here though,can't wait.
I don't know how big the venue for the 30th Anniversary show was but it didn't appear that big from what I remember of the DVD and the band just seemed flat and not quite there.

Most of the reviews I've read on Adler are for him, which is fair enough it's his band and people are paying to see him, the rest of the band are just paid players. I'd probably pay just to see Adler play if it was convenient but the signer is always going to be compared to Axl even if it is unfair to do so.
Mates of mine are going to see Def Lep/Scorpions here in Adelaide. Ticket prices were astronomical. I'm keen but I might wait for some cheapy tight arse tickets.
Mates of mine are going to see Def Lep/Scorpions here in Adelaide. Ticket prices were astronomical. I'm keen but I might wait for some cheapy tight arse tickets.

i got the good tickets,was going to wait but they are playing in a smaller arena and i thought it may sell out,also got good tickets cause they are totally off the hook live!,i reckon u will get the cheap tickets

My son & I celebrated him turning 21 recently by going to see Like Thieves at a local pub on Friday night. They're lead singer is ex Butterfly Effect, Clint Boge. Good gig in a very small venue. They sounded great.
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My son & I celebrated him turning 21 recently by going to see Like Thieves at a local pub on Friday night. They're lead singer is ex Butterfly Effect, Clint Boge. Good gig in a very small venue. They sounded great.

Nice! Clint is a vocal king. Where was that show?
So just found out one of my all time fav bands from the 80s is finally touring Adelaide in August. I've waited 30 years to see Stryper live and now I'm finally getting the chance. YES!
I would love to have seen Stryper on the 80's. Not so fussed on their later stuff and the new album is ok but still not a patch on their old stuff.
So just found out one of my all time fav bands from the 80s is finally touring Adelaide in August. I've waited 30 years to see Stryper live and now I'm finally getting the chance. YES!
only ever heard one song from them but I'm keen to see them live,be a great show