
vadim, forget everything i said, i take it you're not someone i can have a normal discussion with. no offence meant, "friends" like before :wave:
And another paranoid American invades the thread. Great stuff!

lord667 said:
That's very easy for you to say, American. Your entire continent wasn't blown to the very gates of Hell not once but twice within the last 100 years.

Your country's idea of a war is to send a gang of hired killers halfway round the world, and watch their progress on TV. European and Asian nations, on the other hand, have actually suffered war's worst consequences. We understand war very fucking well, which is why we'd rather not have one, thanks.

You call us teenage rebels below, well that's a line of bullshit if ever I've heard one. I'd say a closer analogy is someone, who used to be quite aggressive, who's just got out of hospital having been beaten to the brink of death, and who has decided, based on the number of scars and metal pins he's now wearing, that violence is maybe something he should be trying to avoid from now on. But we can't, you see, because our mate America still thinks he's Bruce Lee and keeps trying to drag us to the local fleapit to help him pick a fight. One day, perhaps, America will get his fucking legs broken when he picks the wrong fight with the wrong person, and then maybe he'll finally understand our sanctimonious European viewpoint.
Very well spoken, friend :)
mourningstar said:
vadim, forget everything i said, i take it you're not someone i can have a normal discussion with. no offence meant, "friends" like before :wave:

No problem, I also feel like my normality differs from yours. :wave:
Basically there are
people who would like new Attila
people who would not.
That's it.
Where do you get your shit from? Please tell me you're not American, I thought English was supposed to be their first language.

Can I ask what exactly the USA's military presence has consisted of in Europe? I know it exists, but it's hardly prominent. Yes, the US is an important ally of many European countries, but many European countries are important allies to America, which is something the US seems to forget as it traverses the globe starting wars. Since when has Russia wanted to invade Europe? I thought that they were a bit more friendly to use, you know, after the whole fall of the Berlin wall thing and that little escapade where Russia and America removed the nuclear weapons they had trained at each other.

Oh no, wait...
Northern Viking said:
Also, Russia didnt crush us, if you refere to the damage done to german cities, that was mostly done by british and american airforce, if you refere to the military defeat, well, the Alliance came from practically everywhere, didnt they?

Sure Russia did.
So short memory, it's amazing.
I know this Phoenix stuff, but how many times this karussell should repeat ?
Who learns at all ?
Darkness Eternal

(Is it really necesarry to shit verbally ?)

Sorry, English is not my first. I'm Russian.

I don't think that Russia wants to invade Europe. There's a balance right now. Thanks to U.S.
Ok. For starters if the US did pull out all it military out of Europe Russia is in no position to invade us all. They have big enough problems with their own war in Chechnya and terrorists attacking them.
They wouldn't get far in Europe either, you think we'd just sit back and do nothing? There are some serious military powers in Europe, the Serbian army is one of the biggest and most powerful in the world.
With regards to the size of any US forces in Europe i've never really noticed them. There is a US airbase near my parents house but it was last used as a base for the B52's bombing Iraq last year.
Yup you're right Finland is not a NATO country so it's never been protected by the US anyway!
I think the US way of treating the world is going to end up backfiring one day, it may be sooner than they think as well. Whether Europe ends up united or not i think we shouldn't get too involvred in any more of the US' foreign plans (ie: Iraq, N.Korea etc), there are better ways to solve problems like terrorism than brute force.
After 9/11 did the US even stop to think about why someone might want to perform such an act? Terrorism is a RESPONSE to the actions of a group. Maybe the US should look at it's foreign policy and they might discover why someone would even dream of destroying a large chunk of downtown NY.
Vadim said:
Sure Russia did.
So short memory, it's amazing.
I know this Phoenix stuff, but how many times this karussell should repeat ?
Who learns at all ?
And you're the second guy I ask this.. How DID Russia crush us then? Are you refering to the Leningrad defeat then? I dont get it.
Lord SteveO said:
They have big enough problems with their own war in Chechnya and terrorists attacking them.
I can assure you, Russia can destroy Chechnya in a short week.
Chechnya is just a playing card in political game to tickle some Western belly.
Northern Viking said:
And you're the second guy I ask this.. How DID Russia crush us then? Are you refering to the Leningrad defeat then? I dont get it.
Should we continue this at all ?
I'm not in the mood to prove some macho stuff, who needs it ?

Basically I wonder what the fuck Germans are looking for in Russia every time ?(1914, 1941... etc.)
Do you remember Napoleon who happily took Moscow
and was happily kicked in the ass after his glorious triumph.
Who possibly in his mind can think of conquering Russia ?
Sorry for off-top. Didn't mean to flame your topic.
Your theme is undoubtly an important one.
Lord SteveO said:
the Serbian army is one of the biggest and most powerful in the world.
I laughed as heaven.
No offense to Serbian friends.
Vadim said:
Basically I wonder what the fuck Germans are looking for in Russia every time ?(1914, 1941... etc.)
See.. we're leeeeaaaaarning, we dont do it anymore.
But Im still wondering what the US are "looking for" in all those countries they have or want to have soldiers in. Especially while obviously not caring what anybody has to say about it, be it the UN, their European allies with leaders spineful enough not to suck up to them, or anybody else.
I think the Might is Right.
Nobody can do nothing about it.
We're still flesh and fists.
It's still actual. Even on personal level.
Fuck all Ideologies and Religions. They're just Entertainment.
Look at Israel - even Jews had realised that the Big Gun is a cool thing.
So be it.
The strong survive.

Don't call me names after this post.
What are you talking about? Britain, France and Germany alone could crush Russia, without the rest of Europe's help. Russia might be large and have a huge infantry, but it's drastically under funded and could never compete with the likes of Britain, bias aside.
Look at History.
You repeat every other Conqueror-of-Russia's words.
What do you mean look at history? Russia has been owned repeatedly by individual European countries, you're just further proving my point there surely?
Darkness Eternal said:
What do you mean look at history? Russia has been owned repeatedly by individual European countries, you're just further proving my point there surely?

:tickled: What countries ?