European tour announcement

deadseason said:
I didn't think that Nevermore would be on Tour so quickly in Europe, I was waiting for a long time to see them in a club. I just saw them once at the Eurorock Festival in 2001 in Belgium (not enough for me), missed them a few time in the North of France, but I had the chance to talk with them in Antwerpen (concert canceled), and I'll be there this time and in Tilburg to!! 2 Nevermore's Shows in 4 days... YES!!!

Well, see ya in Killburg then!!
Yay!! Board meeting!! Hawk will be there too, i guess..
Wendy? You're coming to Killburg too?

It's true that this place is awesome, the way it's made makes it look like a "metal" theater, three floors, bars everywhere... really great "Killburg". I saw Testament there a few time ago, can't wait for September. I heard a second extract of EoR recently called Never Purify, it really makes a difference with DHIADW, but it's better this way...
deadseason said:
It's true that this place is awesome, the way it's made makes it look like a "metal" theater, three floors, bars everywhere... really great "Killburg". I saw Testament there a few time ago, can't wait for September. I heard a second extract of EoR recently called Never Purify, it really makes a difference with DHIADW, but it's better this way...

It IS fancy and place (Ok, 013 is groovy but i do miss the days, i went into the Noorderligt and inhaled the smell of sweat and beer as soon as you entered that stinky darkhole!)
it's in the top 5 of venues in Holland. Don't know for sure but i think it's up 3rd, or something. Fully financed in cooperation with The Rockacademy, also here in Killburg.
Yeah, we have music and a yellow brick road, whaha!! (shopping centre got a new pavement).
Ah well, i think Tilburg had to get rid of the Euro's they have to spend every 3 years, otherwise our government will not support the city anymore and lower the "gift" :u-huh:
Ok, i will not write so much, whaha! -x- if i start about politics, i'll explode, not good, nooot good :grin:

And Wolftribe: Mi Casa, Su Casa!
Ask Alexseretis (although i don't know if that silly greek is still alive in these waters, i guess he's swimming his own sea now.)
HE knows i'm not joking! :lol:

Hawk said:
Hey Iris
Did you sell any copies of the new Nevermore today? :)

Whaha, are you kidding me?
Ofcourse i did, you silly!!
First thing i did, when the stock arrived last saturday!!
Usually, i don't feel like digging in the dirt but i was glad to make an exeption, hihi..i couldn't wait!!
Sold two copies in total, we only had one at the store, so i had to send the costumer towards the other Free Record Shop, to get his copy.
BUT..he came back, showing me his copy and thanked me, hihi! :grin:
Ah, another PROUD owner of the new NeverMore!!!

let me tell you this...i didnt sleep this night and went at 9:00 am to "my" record store. they are actually cool ppl but not really reliable. i preordered EoR limited but i wanted to make sure to get it. so i went into the store and yes, there it stood, the black diamond. but smth "disturbed" me, they have a new assissant...i saw this guy the first time and he was actually wearing a dead heart shirt!!!! finally someone who's really into cool music there! hehe...i talked a bit to him and he told me that he purchased EoR at 8:30 just when the store opened before he had to work...haha! kickass!
i'm constantlly wetting my pants over here! arch enemy AND nevermore on the same stage on the same date! maybe we can close our eyes and wish REAL hard for a song with Angela growling the femal parts of the lyrics??? ( a dark version of "close my eyes forever" and i swear i will NEVER go to a concert again, i will have seen and heard it all )
i am too old to have wet dreams !!!!

but then again........dreams are!
someone let me know when they announce dates for an Enemies of Reality USA Tour... then ill be interested...

til then November 15th at the Troc in Philly is what i'll be waiting for

I'll be the only American there, but I'LL FUCKIN' BE THERE!!!!!


Hey Warrel and gang,great to see ya again in europe and especially in my hometown tilburg on sept the 30th wit arch enemy,doesnt matter what the setlist will be aslong as you guys kick ass and i know you will,see ya Stanford aka NITRO666:hotjump:
The way it looks now there's a small chance that I'll be in Hardenberg too. Maybe I will take a small hotel room and stay the night.

That's what I am thinking about. I'll have to see how things go. It's not bloody likely that there's someone from Hardeberg on this forum, is there?
How come the fins always dwell on why Sweden gets gigs and Finland don't? I'm all eager to know. I know that frustration sets in when yer not getting to see the band in yer country, but then again. How far do you have to travel to see them? A boatride away.....Close enough for me.....