
Jan 23, 2006
Did anyone hear about a heavy metal band named Lordi representing Finland in the Eurovision contest? I haven't heard anything by them, are they by any chance good? It was a current event in my History class.
I havent ever heard even a few really good bands on Eurovision.
The only one "heavy" was last year from Norway - called Wig Wam. They are something like Queen+Scorpions. And I'm sure that 99% of this forum would say that they suck. I dont think so thouh.
~Neurotica said:
I havent ever heard even a few really good bands on Eurovision.
The only one "heavy" was last year from Norway - called Wig Wam. They are something like Queen+Scorpions. And I'm sure that 99% of this forum would say that they suck. I dont think so thouh.

I saw a picture of Lordi in the newspaper, they're dressed like monster-typing things. Most of the "bands" on Eurovisions are folk singers. Lordi made it on the news because of their obscene behavior whilst playing, and actually got picked, and now they're representing Finland.
UndyingDarkness said:
I saw a picture of Lordi in the newspaper, they're dressed like monster-typing things. Most of the "bands" on Eurovisions are folk singers. Lordi made it on the news because of their obscene behavior whilst playing, and actually got picked, and now they're representing Finland.

oki, I'll try to get em then...
I just heard a few of their songs, they're not as bad as I thought they would be. But they do look rediculous.
I thought I like them, but then I actually watched them on Eurovision and OH MY GOD they are crap! That song that they played really got on my nerves, it was way too repetitive and was just generally boring. It didn't really sound that metal, they only reason they get that title is because their crap 'monster' costumes.