
cavegirl said:
nope, took them on my camera phone and the zoom wasnt very good *sobsobsob*

That's a damn good cameraphone :goggly:

I was there at Download, heh. Bout halfway towards the back :p
looseunit said:

wanna go to see Lordi open up Eurovision Next Year in Helsinki ? :kickass:

How awesome will it be!? Also, they can't possibly enter a boring band themselves after this years performance, maybe Soanta will take up the challenge? :lol:

I don't think Eurovision is ready for Turisas just yet thou :D

Hopefully england will take note too, and produce something with a little more tact than "Das Simpson" /shudders.
Ayeka said:
That's a damn good cameraphone :goggly:

I was there at Download, heh. Bout halfway towards the back :p

yeah its one of those sony ericsson walkman phones :kickass: takes some pretty good photos when ur on the barrier :) :)

I WANNA SEE LORDI AGAIN! :heh: *looks lovingly at her halloween lordi tickets*