Dont Scottish prostitutes have hairy baws aswellFinal_Product said:... visit to my local prostitue to clear their heads.
Excess said:'
Yeah... you know.. you've already done this thing... and I'd hate to be a copycat so...
TheSeldomlaid said:I've been saying that since page 17
Excess said:Yeah well if everyone would've read what i wrote directly after Deek posted his vid they would know that I've already stepped out of this
TheSeldomlaid said:And then this thread would of been 30 pages shorter
Excess said:
But still, I can do somekind of performance .. or else well just stick to the burping contest between me, Ralf and or team mates.
Excess said:
But still, I can do somekind of performance .. or else well just stick to the burping contest between me, Ralf and or team mates.
-Gavin- said:I'm challenging one of your group to a caber tossing duel.
eva_dolly said:so the burping contest is still on
Excess said:I'm so ...not in
Im swedish, we dont do caber tossing.. we play hockey
Excess said:Absolutely. That has nothing do do with touching ourselves
TheSeldomlaid said:And win cause of me.
We can play...mudhockey? With remains of tent poles and a snusdåse as a puck?
Excess said:Sounds interesting And if it doesnt rain, we'll just have to bring water from the tanks and make or own spot of mud.