
i doubt they heard any lacuna coil b/c by now some1 would have posted the bitch saying about how shes "influecned" by lacuna coil or something

i dont think it was either, from what it looks like its fucking easy as hell to get signed if your nu-"metal" since theres like a new signed band all the time
Christina Scabbia > Amy Lee.

I can't stand Evanessence, but maybe that's because they're being shoved down my throat every 5 seconds. Sigh. That's why I don't listen to the radio anymore.
Life Sucks said:
Evanescence sounds like Lacuna Coil? I dunno. I haven't heard much Evanescence, but I have all Lacuna Coil CDs, and to me it seems that Lacuna Coil don't have that commercial sound to their music that Evanescence do. On a sidenote, Christina Scabbia is hotter than the girl from Evanescence.

I'm a fan of Lacuna Coil, but I think they have an incredibly modern sound. The only reason you don't hear them on every radio station in the US is because Lacuna Coil hail from Italy.
Christina Scabbia I reckon has a way better voice. The drumming in Lacuna Coil is also way more superior than the drums in Evanescense. The guitar work? Seems to me they're just fucking around with the E power chord abit too much.
None_So_Vile said:
Evanescence need to be shot in the face, the whole band, they sound more than similar to lacuna coil in my view - they've completely ripped them off and everyone's going crazy over them, saying they've never seen a band like this before when lc have been doing it for years. Eva.. are just in it for the money, its blatant - well blatant to me anyway

Hasn't the singer already been shot in the grill?
I thought it was a guy with a female's voice?!
Damn. I could careless about them.
They are a Christain band anyway, like
Bringing Jesus to the mainstream.
I thought it was great that Howard Stern
did a little bit on his show this week on them...
In the end I guess it's whatever winds your watch...
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
Christina Scabbia I reckon has a way better voice. The drumming in Lacuna Coil is also way more superior than the drums in Evanescense. The guitar work? Seems to me they're just fucking around with the E power chord abit too much.

Huh ? Christina is an excellent vocalist, but the only reason Evan was brought up was because of Amy Lee.

Lacuna Coil kills Evanescence in every way possible less vocals. I don't care if they do have one song with some rap in it.... that girl has the talent of Barbara Striesand or however you spell her name, but instead of corny ass songs, she sings rock based music. I am a metal-head first and foremost, but I am still a musician that recognizes talent in any musical form. Amy Lee was 19 years old when she recorded that CD.
What I am trying to say is that if they "progress" as a band into something more than "nu-metal" which is possible considering their youth, they might turn into I don't know what......

Listen to her sing.... she is unfucking real.

I don't think they really sounded that bad...I mean after all I think every band has it own sound...so it is pretty cool although they can't sounds like carcass or something..
PureRocker86 said:
I don't think they really sounded that bad...I mean after all I think every band has it own sound...so it is pretty cool although they can't sounds like carcass or something..

I agree. Man, Amy Lee changed my mind about female vocalists. I have never heard another woman sing like her.

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edwardgein said:
, that Evan used to be a Christian band but decided to change gears and be a bit more abrassive to fit the scene. So to me, they are kind of hypocrits because if they truly believe in something, why be a shamed of showing it? Right? Unless they are corprate puppets like most of the artists of today.

I don't think so. Just because you believe in God doesn't mean that you just HAVE to include him in your music all the time. And vise versa - if you are an atheist, you can still add God and the references to him (that are not mocking him in any way) in your lyrics for the purpose of an effect and NOT be considered religious.

I think you're too captious, specifically looking for faults here. If they sang about how they loved God, you'd probably say (as someone already did in this thread) that they're too preachy, trying to enforce their religion through music... And now that they DIDN'T actually do that - which is very commendable, imo - you're saying that they're not honest.

Remember that Christian metal or just music in general is classified by its CONTENT, its message - not its music necessarily. So I think it's good if you believe in whatever you believe but DON'T actually try to force it in any way. If they were to play some Gothic metal, and then decided to change their sound completely to suit more people - then you'd probably have a decent point with which I would respectfully disagree...

Now, I heard their half rappish song on the radio but didn't know it was them - and then I noticed their band name tossed around a lot, with descriptions like "they're very dark and gothic," "they're one of a kind because not much metal goes mainstream in the US," "they play metal" - and decided to check them out... Well, they're NOT very dark and gothic, and even if they are - they're as dark as Avril Lavigne is a real skater chick. They might be one of a kind - and yet not, considering that what they play is NOT metal. It's Linkin Park meeting a better singer than Avril Lavigne...
soulburner - lacuna coil fucking own evanescence, amy lee should kneel down and kiss cristina scabbia's shoes, i saw pictures of them live and she even badly rips off cristina's image. Amy should be shot by cristina and pushed into a river with the rest of the band tied to her :lol:
Bryant said:
Lacuna Coil kills Evanescence in every way possible less vocals. I don't care if they do have one song with some rap in it.... that girl has the talent of Barbara Striesand or however you spell her name, but instead of corny ass songs, she sings rock based music. I am a metal-head first and foremost, but I am still a musician that recognizes talent in any musical form. Amy Lee was 19 years old when she recorded that CD.
What I am trying to say is that if they "progress" as a band into something more than "nu-metal" which is possible considering their youth, they might turn into I don't know what......

Listen to her sing.... she is unfucking real.


Agree 100%. BTW, sure there are better bands, Sinergy, Lacuna Coil, Within Temptation, ... the list goes on and on. I started this thread because it surprised me to see something on MTV that doesn't suck. And the girl does have a great voice, I don't care if she's a Christina ripp off.

On the subject of christian music, who cares??? What if they sing about Jesus and stuff? You never hear people complaining when a band sings about the devil. It's just different content, I think comments like "They are a Christain band anyway" are pretty lame.
Underoath is a very good Christian Industrial/Metal band. If you MUST know, I am a Christian and I often got looks from my youth group, especially when this video I watched featured some CDs like Megadeth being burned.
I'm not saying that Evanescense is bad. They do have a good vocalist. But I still think Cristina's vocals are abit better. And in my opinion Lacuna Coil's music is better, the songwriting's also better. But hey, it is my opinion. Though still, Evanescense one of the better bands out in the mainstream. I heard Amy Lee's vocals on the Bring Me to Life song and I thought they were great.
Evanescence sounds nothing like Lacuna Coil, although I think Amy Lee's voice has a higher range than Cristina's...but Amy was classically trained, so there ya go.