Eve Of Seduction's Main Riff


New Metal Member
Aug 16, 2005
Is there anyone here finding that the main riff of Eve Of Seduction, pretty much sounds just like the the main riff of MegaDeth's Kick The Chair?

I like the song, but the first time I listened to it, the similarity jumped at me.

Great song anyway, but MegaDeth always comes in my mind when I listen to it (but I love both bands anyway...)
Don't forget I only talk about the main riff of both songs, the choruses are highly different...
Yeah, I see (or hear, rather) what you mean. The first part of the verse riff in "eve" is similar in note pattern and rhythm to the KTC riff right before the first riff, and also in the chorus.

Well, they got plenty of chances to hear that song! :D
I think Eve of Seduction is one of my favorite tracks off of the new album. I don't see why more people don't think of this track as one of their favorites either? I personally can't choose, at least right now, which song is my absolute favorite off of the album. Even so I know that there are a select few that could compete and this song is one of them. I just love the melody and harmony in the chorus and at the end where Russell screams "oooohhhh oohhh oh oh oooohhhhhhh!!!".
never occurred to me till you mentioned it.

but i think it won't confuse anyone.
EOS is a wierd song to me. It starts off sounding almost commercial, albeit technical and fast, but it gets much better in the middle. It's just the beginning and end that seem a little weak to me. Overall, I do like the song though.
Ya know, i was humming the song to myself after i heard it the first time and suddenly kick the chair came into my head and i started humming that instead. Really weird! it definitely has a similar feel to it