Ever wondered what Olli does for a living?

I wish I had more drive and more passion cause I am a cartoon writer and I draw too little. Was thinking of doing a gore horror series, kinda like Tales from Uranus, and write more novells, poetry and such. Once I move to Canada I'll start with independent horror movie making.
Oh , my girlfriend (Amanda) and I were actually thinking that in a year or two we'd move out of the U.S. of A. and its a toss between up north a ways to canada or over seas to Belgium or maybe Amsterdam. but right now it looks like canada's the place for us. any suggestions on where in canada, or anywhere else for that matter, we should move?
DUDE I know about cigarettes, my suggestiont to YOU is to say just fuck it, lets start with pipe and cigar instead, you know Polksi mafia style?

anyway your girlfriend sounds nice man congratulations, the one i wann get already has a boy so that sucks but she rules..totally Danish hippie girl that likes to get drunk and all that, plus she's got a pit dog :)

cant answer you with Canada man, I'm in ther same situation as you, finding a place to live there. tho LITTLE ITALY in Toronto I hear rules. oh god i love food!