Evergrey-A Night to Remember/pentagram

Pellaz said:
Say, what about that 2112 album cover from Rush?!?!

(grins, ducks, and runs like hell)
LOL! A classmate in highschool caught a bunch of ignorant critism from wearing that t-shirt to school. People were asking him when he became a satanist and and why he's wearing a pentagram on his shirt.
You know I have listened to plenty of bands and seen hundreds if not thousands of cds and you act as if every band in metal uses pentagrams which is certainly not true at all!!!!Maybe the guys in Evergrey didnt mean to use it as a sign of evil but thats why I am asking to see what you guys here thought!!!!
Force10 said:
That is definitely not a pentagram - the star is right side up and the star lines are not made of 5 intersecting lines. It's just a star in a circle.

Of course. I was cracking a joke....y'know, like the funny kind, but different.
As a longtime member of the old NMS (Rush mailing list), I Know Better. :lol:

The 2112 thing actually became a bit of a news story waybackwhen. Some confused church-types (from Texas, IIRC) assailed the band for having satanic imagery on their album cover when it came out. Neil Peart himself responded to them with a characteristically well-written 'letter to the editor' of their local newspaper. Some hunting and googling should turn it up somewhere, for those who are curious.
The 2112 pentagram isn't inverted for one thing. The inverted pentagram, like the one on the live Evergrey album, was originally intended to defy the trinity (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The same inverted pentagram is used on the cover of the Satanic Bible for those of you attempting to convince yourselves that it isn't used as a symbol of evil.

Why Evergrey and CIIC use it? Who knows (rolling eyes)! If truth be known, the record label probably uses it as a marketing gimick to make it look "metal" for people like Zod. :-)
the evil that men do lives on.

and on.

i mean honestly people. listen to Evergrey.
do their lyrics sound satanic?
are the correlated to the satanic beliefs?
if you've been fortunate enough to see them live or meet them,
do they act in a manner that is consistent with satanism?

if you answer yes to any of these questions... well i don't see how anyone could. :lol:
Kenneth R. said:
i mean honestly people. listen to Evergrey.
do their lyrics sound satanic?
are the correlated to the satanic beliefs?
if you've been fortunate enough to see them live or meet them,
do they act in a manner that is consistent with satanism?

if you answer yes to any of these questions... well i don't see how anyone could. :lol:

Are we talking "Do what thou willst shalt be the whole of the law" satanism here? Then Tom's essay in the Inner Circle's booklet does have consistency with this. Evergrey are people who prefer to be in full control of their own lives, their own behavior, and their own thinking, which matches LaVey's line. In regards to the second and third questions, then yes they do appear "satanic" (although I would say their lyrics are not satanic, not in the devil-worshipping sense and not explicitly in the LaVey sense either).
Let's not forget: Nevermore used it on the CD art for "This Godless Endever".

(runs off much like Pellaz, with headphones on to protect ears from hurled objects.)
Rager93 said:
The upside-down version has been used by Pythagoreans and Satanists...and every great Metal band. :rock:


UH. The pentagram was a symbol for PAGANS. It was "made into" a symbol of satanism by the christian cultists who wanted a bigger piece of the religious pie.
Not everything in this world is about or against Christianity. Christians just can't accept the fact that the world does not revovle around them.
Hal9000 said:
Not everything in this world is about or against Christianity. Christians just can't accept the fact that the world does not revovle around them.

Has anyone said that's why Evergrey used the pentagram? I don't recall anyone saying everything in the world is about or going against Christianity.
Greykiller said:
UH. The pentagram was a symbol for PAGANS. It was "made into" a symbol of satanism by the christian cultists who wanted a bigger piece of the religious pie.

Actually the pentagram with the star oriented upright is a Christian symbol representing the 5 wounds of Christ. It's not widely used anymore.

LeVayans turned it upside down for the symbol of Satanism.

Wicca uses it both ways with up representing good, and down bad.

Pythagoreans consider it to be mathematical perfection.
It also appears on the flags of Morocco and Ethiopia.

Evergrey used it because they wanted to.
after really paying attention to the lyrics and the band yea they used it because they wanted to but continue to use these type of symbols as you will notice on the back of MMA where the heights are listed it says 6'66 instead of 6'6. oh well !!!!
Magius said:
Actually the pentagram with the star oriented upright is a Christian symbol representing the 5 wounds of Christ. It's not widely used anymore.

LeVayans turned it upside down for the symbol of Satanism.

Wicca uses it both ways with up representing good, and down bad.

Pythagoreans consider it to be mathematical perfection.
It also appears on the flags of Morocco and Ethiopia.

Evergrey used it because they wanted to.

...and to make people like us sit around and talk about it! :)
Hal9000 said:
Not everything in this world is about or against Christianity. Christians just can't accept the fact that the world does not revovle around them.

Pure ignorance!
Magius said:
Actually the pentagram with the star oriented upright is a Christian symbol representing the 5 wounds of Christ. It's not widely used anymore.

LeVayans turned it upside down for the symbol of Satanism.

Wicca uses it both ways with up representing good, and down bad.

Pythagoreans consider it to be mathematical perfection.
It also appears on the flags of Morocco and Ethiopia.

Evergrey used it because they wanted to.

Pagans used it first, christians hijacked it.

Just liked they hijacked the Pagan winter festival (christmas) and the spring festival (easter).

Wicca uses it because it fits with the way they wanted to break from both christianity and paganism.

I like the symbol because dumb people think it represents evil, not because I think it is evil.
Hal9000 said:
Not everything in this world is about or against Christianity. Christians just can't accept the fact that the world does not revovle around them.

Dude, you're in Acworth, GA? Don't let the neighbors hear ya or we'll be down one PP attendee!
Greykiller said:
Pagans used it first, christians hijacked it.

Just liked they hijacked the Pagan winter festival (christmas) and the spring festival (easter).

Wicca uses it because it fits with the way they wanted to break from both christianity and paganism.

I like the symbol because dumb people think it represents evil, not because I think it is evil.

Pagans is a very broad term. However, I'll assume you mean the European flavour, in which case you would be incorrect. First known useage was many many centures before that in Mesopotamia, then Pythagoras, then the Christians and that was the non-inverted sort. Different cultures have their own meanings for it and to say that Christianity hijacked it would be a total misnomer. As far as the two festivals go, theres much more history there than just 'hijacking' it.

For a brief history, check out:
and a slightly different version...

Either way, jumping to conclusions about Christianity hijacking something, especially a common shape/symbol, is just another way to attack the religion. While I don't agree with much of the religion, blaming it for doing all of this stuff is just bogus.