evergrey are playing download festival


Oct 31, 2004
near glasgow, scotland
evergrey just got announced for download, cant say im too happy considering its £120 or something for a ticket and evergrey are one of the very few good bands there and i feel they are lowering their standards playing it especially as they are one of the lowest bands on the bill. cant blame them though as its good publicity but the 2000 or so people that saw them at bloodstock and loved them wont be there so basically i feel they are isolating their current fans by playing this farse of a festival. i mean they are playing the same festival as fightstar........
Its a bit shit that they're playing Download, but its awesome from their point of view, they'll get noticed a whole lot more and hopefully get the amount of respect they deserve from the mainstream.

Not that I want them to sell out and all that, but they've got an awesome catalog of albums and its about time they got noticed, like this for example.