Evergrey: Best Served Live, Not Studio

Zappa Appreciative

Didja Get Any Onya?
Jun 4, 2004
There's an interesting phenomenon regarding rock bands and that is some bands sound best live, as opposed to on record or CD. That they have to be seen live to fully appreciate them. These may be bad examples that will incur the wrath of metal fans but I've heard the likes of Bruce Springsteen and Prince put on great shows and have turned non-fans into fans after playing live (though I'd still think Bruce Springsteen sucks, seeing him live or not). One great example of this would be Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush, Robin Trower and especially Frank Zappa. On album they were okay, but live - they really shined in a way that a studio recording couldn’t capture. I guess that's why they were referred to as "arena rock." I think many of the other 70's acts experienced the same dynamic.

The same really applies for Evergrey. Though this may be completely subjective, I thought they were just okay on CD. Nothing to really get excited about. But seeing them live at Prog Power in Atlanta was unbelievable. The energy that band emitted and incredible stage presence. A person just can't take their eyes off of them. I've seen many concerts and I'd have to say Evergrey was my third favorite show that I've seen - right behind Pat Metheny and Rush (Hemispheres tour).

I can't wait for a live CD or even a DVD. I wonder if other Evergrey fans have had the same reaction that I had regarding the studio versus live situation?
MetalBanger said:
Damn man, now I'm REALLY looking forward to Evergrey at Graspop :headbang:

Yeah man, me too!!! I just hope I'll be able to make my way up to the front...

Also, you see what a fucked up time they put Evergrey??? It's like 11 AM!!
Frosties said:
Yeah man, me too!!! I just hope I'll be able to make my way up to the front...

Also, you see what a fucked up time they put Evergrey??? It's like 11 AM!!

Yeah it's in the morning... but I'm going at 10 'o clock to stand in front, maybe I'll see you around :)
Hmmm, i disagree. I think Evergrey is a very melodic band, meaning there is detail to their sound, that you just can't hear live. A band like Pantera for example, now that's all distortion and noise. No melodies whatsoever, even though I love Pantera. You hear them live and it's just like CD, because people don't listen to Pantera for clarity, they just want loud, distorted guitars.
With Evergrey, I want to hear PERFECT guitar volume, every little keyboard sound, and Tom's vocals clearly. I saw them live in Vancouver and although the show was great, I couldn't hear Tom's guitar clearly (again, CLARITY is most important for melodic music), nor every note that Henrik played or Rikard played on the keyboards. Way too much noise and distortion, and that's not why I listen to Evergrey. If I want just metal noise, I'll listen to Pantera or something heavier than Evergrey. I think people don't listen to Evergrey just to bang their heads, since there are sooo many bands out there specifically for that. To see Evergrey live is great, because they put on an awesome show. But in terms of clean sound, I still prefer to hear it CD quality.
Anywayz, just my humble opinion.
I've never seen or heard Evergrey in live... :cry:

I hope someone record some video or mp3 at a gig.

Do you know where I can find that ?
am_ash2 said:
11am? Are you going to be up that early?

You bet! Remember, it's a festival, so I'll be sleeping in a sleeping bag in a tent, so I may wake up anyway quite early.... I doubt it'll be the most comfortable place in the world, but it'll be fucking worth every second! :headbang:

I just hope I'll be able to catch a good place up front, so I may have to get up at around 9-10...
I've seen Evergrey twice live. The first was @ Six Pack last year, where they were very good. The second was in Milwaukee with Iced Earth, where I thought they were only so-so.

As far as I'm concerned Evergrey's studio albums have more dynamics than their live show brings. But that's just me. I'm still waiting for a tour where they are the headliner so they can get the exact sound they want without compromise. That's probably why the Six Pack show was better IMO--the organizers give more or less equal ground to each band sound-wise.
Well, I saw them last Saturday at Graspop and they were fantastic live. The sound was really clear and you could make out every instrument perfectly. But to say they're better live than on CD is maybe too much, because it's still something very different. I'm gonna stick with saying that both Evergreys - the live Evergrey and the studio Evergrey - are equally good. And with good I mean simply awesome!
nunoloveus said:
Hmmm, i disagree. I think Evergrey is a very melodic band, meaning there is detail to their sound, that you just can't hear live. A band like Pantera for example, now that's all distortion and noise. No melodies whatsoever, even though I love Pantera. You hear them live and it's just like CD, because people don't listen to Pantera for clarity, they just want loud, distorted guitars.
With Evergrey, I want to hear PERFECT guitar volume, every little keyboard sound, and Tom's vocals clearly. I saw them live in Vancouver and although the show was great, I couldn't hear Tom's guitar clearly (again, CLARITY is most important for melodic music), nor every note that Henrik played or Rikard played on the keyboards. Way too much noise and distortion, and that's not why I listen to Evergrey. If I want just metal noise, I'll listen to Pantera or something heavier than Evergrey. I think people don't listen to Evergrey just to bang their heads, since there are sooo many bands out there specifically for that. To see Evergrey live is great, because they put on an awesome show. But in terms of clean sound, I still prefer to hear it CD quality.
Anywayz, just my humble opinion.
I have seen them 3 times and they are in my opinion equally ghreat live as on cd. They played San Fran a few months ago and they sounded awesome, probably the best I have heard them, they sounded great at PPUSA 2.0 too. It all depends on the venue and the sound system as well, that may have contributed to a lesser experience for you which sucks becuase they are truly awesome when they have their full sound going...

Here's to PPUSA 6.0

I think they're absolutely better live! I mean, they create such an atmosphere when they are on stage. Not to mention their output, and all the headbanging!! Man, I'm amazed that their heads are still on top of their bodies..Mine would have fallen of in like 2 seconds. hehe!
nunoloveus said:
Hmmm, i disagree. I think Evergrey is a very melodic band, meaning there is detail to their sound, that you just can't hear live. A band like Pantera for example, now that's all distortion and noise. No melodies whatsoever, even though I love Pantera. You hear them live and it's just like CD, because people don't listen to Pantera for clarity, they just want loud, distorted guitars.
With Evergrey, I want to hear PERFECT guitar volume, every little keyboard sound, and Tom's vocals clearly. I saw them live in Vancouver and although the show was great, I couldn't hear Tom's guitar clearly (again, CLARITY is most important for melodic music), nor every note that Henrik played or Rikard played on the keyboards. Way too much noise and distortion, and that's not why I listen to Evergrey. If I want just metal noise, I'll listen to Pantera or something heavier than Evergrey. I think people don't listen to Evergrey just to bang their heads, since there are sooo many bands out there specifically for that. To see Evergrey live is great, because they put on an awesome show. But in terms of clean sound, I still prefer to hear it CD quality.
Anywayz, just my humble opinion.

Take note that all music has a "melody" so therefore all music is "melodic." Also, Dime knows what he's doing when he's playing, so Pantera is not just noise, I would expect a Pantera fan to know that already. And there is no real word to describe Evergrey, I would personally say "Symphonic" or just flat out "Beautiful" progressive metal. However, I do agree with you, as much as I would love to see Tom's fingers move on The Great Deceiver, I don't think that they would sound as good live.