evergrey lyrics


New Metal Member
Jun 20, 2003
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where to get the lyrics ?( im just not that good with the english stuff ) :rofl: i just eard a song and its impressive, whant to get the lyrics and the album soon ;D
I think most of them are printed on the original CD album sleeves. Get the original albums and you'll get the lyrics. Simple as that.
I'm sorry but I'm going to post it anyway.

You can find most of the Evergrey's lyrics @ Lyricsnetwork.com. Here you will find the direct link: http://www.lyricsnetwork.com/result.asp?vsearch=Evergrey

But I seriously encourage you to purchase their albums because they are very great. And try to promote them (tell a friend! :p ) and put the volume very high to appreciate it :Spin:

That's it!
Thanks Fredcod...I've been waiting for the Recreation Day lyrics for a while. Don't quite have much money and I'm not a good saver and bla bla...why should I have to prove to someone why I'm not buying it anyway? Recreation Day is pretty high up on the buying list I guess. It's just not too cheap yet...again,thanks Fred.
It's kind of silly to get all moralic (is that a word?) by saying that they're in the booklets. If you can get the lyrics from the net,then we should just put them to use. At least I'm really annoyed to write the lyrics to Word from the booklet if they're not on the net...as I like to sing along to the songs and it takes a while to learn it all by heart. Haven't had to do that other than with Sentenced's The Cold White Light though and I appreciate their wish not to have the lyrics in the net...
That went pretty off-topic,but I don't mind.
Downloading is ok if you for instance need to do an interview with a band and have no promo or when you want to check out a band before actually bying their stuff. Especially in that last case the internet is a good thing, cause it makes bands push even harder to make their music attain perfection.. It gives a bit more power to the consumer of the music and less to the record companies.
But if it is cause you're too damn lazy to save the amount of I don't know, 16 euros, which is really nothing to buy a cd from a band you seem to love.. Sorry, but I don't understand that. I don't know if you have a job.. You're getting paid for the work you do right. Well, it shouldn't be different for a musician. It's their job to entertain us and as any other job this should be respected in the form of payment..

Now if everyone would stop bying shitty cd's like Metallica's new born and spend their money on bands that actually deserve it, the world would be such a better place.. Why can't certain people get that into their heads.. :yell:

*end of rant*

FourthHorseman, nothing personal, but I just can't understand the way you and many others think..
And of course Recreation Day lyrics weren't on that lyricsnetwork site,so I think that you (redeemerman) should just head to www.darklyrics.com whenever you need to get some lyrics. It has basically everything and much better organized than that other site...too bad that Recreation Day isn't up yet,but I know most of the lyrics anyway...

@Anneke: That's understandable. Although I enjoy St. Anger a lot,not as much as the previous albums,as I find myself liking the slower stuff on St. Anger better too instead of Frantic and St. Anger,but liking it or not is always an opinion anyway...but it's not very likely for people to buy more Evergrey than Metallica is it? Why people can't get it into their heads,is cause Metallica has a pretty fucking long career and they've made the Black Album hehe. I'm not defending them or anything,I'm just saying that they've made themselves a lot more popular than Evergrey has so far (had the chance to).
Unfortunately I haven't bought any Evergrey stuff...I'll get em all from their site most likely when I've managed to save that much (in other words haven't spent them right after getting em).
Cd's are generally 20+ euros here btw.
Anyway,I gotta go,maybe I'll comment more later.

EDIT: The first sentence to Anneke isn't linked to the Met comment,just your "nothing personal..." comment.
Anneke said:
or when you want to check out a band before actually bying their stuff.

This is generally how I do it. I don't spend much on CDs, and I HATE wasting my money on CDs that have two good songs. MP3s give me a better idea of what to expect - and if it's worth my while, I *will* buy the CD. Did that with Evergrey. Wanted to know what to expect before PP2001, downloaded like six or seven mp3s, got the idea, and got the CDs.

I think what really scares the record companies is that now people can hear ahead of time just what kind of shit is being put out. Before, even if someone bought a CD and hated it and resold it, the sale was still made and the money in the record co.'s pockets. That's not the case anymore, and my (very dim) hope is that maybe the loss in sales will rejuvenate an interest in putting out *quality* music rather than throwing together whatever they think will snag the public's squirrely (very short) attention span.

And for the record, people who download entire CDs (or DVDs) to distribute to the public at large for their own personal profit, should be flayed, scrubbed in salt, and quartered.
jaimek said:
This is generally how I do it. I don't spend much on CDs, and I HATE wasting my money on CDs that have two good songs. MP3s give me a better idea of what to expect - and if it's worth my while, I *will* buy the CD. Did that with Evergrey. Wanted to know what to expect before PP2001, downloaded like six or seven mp3s, got the idea, and got the CDs.

I think what really scares the record companies is that now people can hear ahead of time just what kind of shit is being put out. Before, even if someone bought a CD and hated it and resold it, the sale was still made and the money in the record co.'s pockets. That's not the case anymore, and my (very dim) hope is that maybe the loss in sales will rejuvenate an interest in putting out *quality* music rather than throwing together whatever they think will snag the public's squirrely (very short) attention span.

And for the record, people who download entire CDs (or DVDs) to distribute to the public at large for their own personal profit, should be flayed, scrubbed in salt, and quartered.

I agree completley with your stance. I first heard Evergrey on the musicchoice metal channel, then I downloaded the mp3s of recreation, and as soon as I can find them all in stores I will be buying them. (My local store only has recreation and truth, will be harder to find the older 2)