evergrey -> superb liveband


Aug 5, 2003
i've seen em live now and i absolutely loved it!
the show took place at agustibuller in sweden and there wasnt that much people.. no shit as it is a fucking punkfestival!
people thought evergrey were some kind of "knightmetal" as manowar..

but the band rocked fucking great! probably the best gig i've ever seen! maybe because of the beerconsuming or maybe because of their music is so "singalongy" and great!
and i love the solos! they were even better live! henrik looks like slash when he is soloing hehe :) and tom is tim!
mikael is a fucking animal on stage! helicopterheadbanging and stuff! insane insane!

i got to shake hands with them after the show and got one guitarpick! thats great!

so thank you evergrey and release another conceptalbum or something :) höhöhöhö

hell havre! fade åt all äkta havregrynsgröt!

http://www20.brinkster.com/ozzzy/groet <-grötprofetian
well they had the haunted this year (i got drunk and slept away their performance) but generally it's a punk festival i think..
i dont mind. it was cheap.